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GeneralRe: How to send NULL to a IUnknown** parameter when COM object is surrogate hosted Pin
Per Nilsson2-Sep-10 20:42
Per Nilsson2-Sep-10 20:42 
AnswerRe: How to send NULL to a IUnknown** parameter when COM object is surrogate hosted [modified] Pin
tolw2-Sep-10 21:16
tolw2-Sep-10 21:16 
GeneralRe: How to send NULL to a IUnknown** parameter when COM object is surrogate hosted Pin
Per Nilsson2-Sep-10 23:07
Per Nilsson2-Sep-10 23:07 
QuestionWSACancelBlockingCall Pin
Bedke2-Sep-10 1:51
Bedke2-Sep-10 1:51 
QuestionHow to deal with such situation?(Need pass STL vector to dll under vs2008) [modified] Pin
fantasy121523-Aug-10 17:04
fantasy121523-Aug-10 17:04 
AnswerRe: How to deal with such situation?(Need pass STL vector to dll under vs2008) Pin
KingsGambit23-Aug-10 21:00
KingsGambit23-Aug-10 21:00 
QuestionQuestion about IOleObject::GetClipboardData Pin
edward barbu18-Aug-10 0:51
edward barbu18-Aug-10 0:51 
QuestionObject Initialization Problem Pin
pjdriverdude6-Aug-10 4:17
pjdriverdude6-Aug-10 4:17 
I am having trouble with some objects. I'm getting access violations when trying to use some of the methods in the object, which I think is due to not initializing the object when I create it..but there's the problem, I can't use the new operator to create it because it complains about virtual functions. Here's the different ways I've tried to initialize it

IDgnWords words = new IDgnWords() ;

Errors (some of them anyway):
error C2259: 'IDgnWords' : cannot instantiate abstract class due to following members:
warning C4259: 'unsigned long __stdcall IUnknown::AddRef(void)' : pure virtual function was not defined

IDgnWords* words ;
words->Dump( CComBSTR("C:\\words.txt") ) ;

Error: Access Violation when reaching the Dump function

CComPtr<IDgnWords> words ;
words-&gt;Dump( CComBSTR("C:\\words.txt") ) ;

Error: Run Time error. No message box pops up, but I can't step any further in the code while debugging.

The class has no initialize functions so and I think this is where I'm having trouble. Is there something I should be doing to initialize the objects?
AnswerRe: Object Initialization Problem Pin
Sauro Viti6-Aug-10 4:42
professionalSauro Viti6-Aug-10 4:42 
GeneralRe: Object Initialization Problem Pin
pjdriverdude6-Aug-10 5:17
pjdriverdude6-Aug-10 5:17 
GeneralRe: Object Initialization Problem Pin
pjdriverdude6-Aug-10 5:28
pjdriverdude6-Aug-10 5:28 
GeneralRe: Object Initialization Problem Pin
Sauro Viti6-Aug-10 5:45
professionalSauro Viti6-Aug-10 5:45 
QuestionError in Excel Add in Pin
gahlawat5-Aug-10 20:01
gahlawat5-Aug-10 20:01 
QuestionHow to call C# function from unmanaged C++ code.? Pin
deadlyabbas20-Jul-10 19:59
deadlyabbas20-Jul-10 19:59 
AnswerRe: How to call C# function from unmanaged C++ code.? Pin
Sauro Viti21-Jul-10 20:50
professionalSauro Viti21-Jul-10 20:50 
QuestionWhy CreateWindowEx() function failed on 64 Bit window XP Pin
am 200920-Jul-10 6:02
am 200920-Jul-10 6:02 
QuestionRe: Why CreateWindowEx() function failed on 64 Bit window XP Pin
Randor 20-Jul-10 6:08
professional Randor 20-Jul-10 6:08 
AnswerRe: Why CreateWindowEx() function failed on 64 Bit window XP Pin
am 200920-Jul-10 21:06
am 200920-Jul-10 21:06 
AnswerRe: Why CreateWindowEx() function failed on 64 Bit window XP Pin
am 200920-Jul-10 21:21
am 200920-Jul-10 21:21 
GeneralRe: Why CreateWindowEx() function failed on 64 Bit window XP Pin
Randor 21-Jul-10 8:55
professional Randor 21-Jul-10 8:55 
Questionfile name in coleinsertdialog Pin
MKC00219-Jul-10 21:31
MKC00219-Jul-10 21:31 
QuestionType mismatch when calling a VB.NET COM class from VB6 Pin
AlexInter19-Jul-10 2:35
AlexInter19-Jul-10 2:35 
QuestionHow to develop 64 bit application using VS2005 Pin
am 200915-Jul-10 0:45
am 200915-Jul-10 0:45 
AnswerRe: How to develop 64 bit application using VS2005 Pin
«_Superman_»17-Jul-10 18:25
professional«_Superman_»17-Jul-10 18:25 
GeneralRe: How to develop 64 bit application using VS2005 Pin
am 200918-Jul-10 18:09
am 200918-Jul-10 18:09 

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