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QuestionWSACancelBlockingCall Pin
Bedke2-Sep-10 1:51
Bedke2-Sep-10 1:51 
QuestionHow to deal with such situation?(Need pass STL vector to dll under vs2008) [modified] Pin
fantasy121523-Aug-10 17:04
fantasy121523-Aug-10 17:04 
AnswerRe: How to deal with such situation?(Need pass STL vector to dll under vs2008) Pin
KingsGambit23-Aug-10 21:00
KingsGambit23-Aug-10 21:00 
QuestionQuestion about IOleObject::GetClipboardData Pin
edward barbu18-Aug-10 0:51
edward barbu18-Aug-10 0:51 
QuestionObject Initialization Problem Pin
pjdriverdude6-Aug-10 4:17
pjdriverdude6-Aug-10 4:17 
AnswerRe: Object Initialization Problem Pin
Sauro Viti6-Aug-10 4:42
professionalSauro Viti6-Aug-10 4:42 
GeneralRe: Object Initialization Problem Pin
pjdriverdude6-Aug-10 5:17
pjdriverdude6-Aug-10 5:17 
GeneralRe: Object Initialization Problem Pin
pjdriverdude6-Aug-10 5:28
pjdriverdude6-Aug-10 5:28 
Now one thing that isn't making sense is I used a different class from this SDK and I was able to call
CoCreateInstance( CLSID_DgnVocTools, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IDgnVocTools, (LPVOID*)&pIDgnVocTools ) ;

I would think that I would need to create and instance of the IDgnWords object, but there's no CLSID for it. If I don't create and instance of that VocTools object I used in the previous paragraph, it craps out on me just like the IDgnWords object is doing now.

You think this could be the problem? It seems odd to me that creating a "new" object doesn't seem to work for this.
GeneralRe: Object Initialization Problem Pin
Sauro Viti6-Aug-10 5:45
professionalSauro Viti6-Aug-10 5:45 
QuestionError in Excel Add in Pin
gahlawat5-Aug-10 20:01
gahlawat5-Aug-10 20:01 
QuestionHow to call C# function from unmanaged C++ code.? Pin
deadlyabbas20-Jul-10 19:59
deadlyabbas20-Jul-10 19:59 
AnswerRe: How to call C# function from unmanaged C++ code.? Pin
Sauro Viti21-Jul-10 20:50
professionalSauro Viti21-Jul-10 20:50 
QuestionWhy CreateWindowEx() function failed on 64 Bit window XP Pin
am 200920-Jul-10 6:02
am 200920-Jul-10 6:02 
QuestionRe: Why CreateWindowEx() function failed on 64 Bit window XP Pin
Randor 20-Jul-10 6:08
professional Randor 20-Jul-10 6:08 
AnswerRe: Why CreateWindowEx() function failed on 64 Bit window XP Pin
am 200920-Jul-10 21:06
am 200920-Jul-10 21:06 
AnswerRe: Why CreateWindowEx() function failed on 64 Bit window XP Pin
am 200920-Jul-10 21:21
am 200920-Jul-10 21:21 
GeneralRe: Why CreateWindowEx() function failed on 64 Bit window XP Pin
Randor 21-Jul-10 8:55
professional Randor 21-Jul-10 8:55 
Questionfile name in coleinsertdialog Pin
MKC00219-Jul-10 21:31
MKC00219-Jul-10 21:31 
QuestionType mismatch when calling a VB.NET COM class from VB6 Pin
AlexInter19-Jul-10 2:35
AlexInter19-Jul-10 2:35 
QuestionHow to develop 64 bit application using VS2005 Pin
am 200915-Jul-10 0:45
am 200915-Jul-10 0:45 
AnswerRe: How to develop 64 bit application using VS2005 Pin
«_Superman_»17-Jul-10 18:25
professional«_Superman_»17-Jul-10 18:25 
GeneralRe: How to develop 64 bit application using VS2005 Pin
am 200918-Jul-10 18:09
am 200918-Jul-10 18:09 
GeneralRe: How to develop 64 bit application using VS2005 Pin
«_Superman_»18-Jul-10 18:42
professional«_Superman_»18-Jul-10 18:42 
GeneralRe: How to develop 64 bit application using VS2005 Pin
am 200918-Jul-10 19:10
am 200918-Jul-10 19:10 
GeneralRe: How to develop 64 bit application using VS2005 Pin
am 200918-Jul-10 19:24
am 200918-Jul-10 19:24 

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