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QuestionreportAppFactory.OpenDocument throws Invalid Cast exception (No such interfaces supported) [modified] Pin
amitcoder836-Sep-10 17:54
amitcoder836-Sep-10 17:54 
AnswerCrosspost - ignore Pin
Richard MacCutchan6-Sep-10 21:37
mveRichard MacCutchan6-Sep-10 21:37 
QuestionHow to send NULL to a IUnknown** parameter when COM object is surrogate hosted Pin
Per Nilsson2-Sep-10 19:58
Per Nilsson2-Sep-10 19:58 
AnswerRe: How to send NULL to a IUnknown** parameter when COM object is surrogate hosted Pin
tolw2-Sep-10 20:33
tolw2-Sep-10 20:33 
GeneralRe: How to send NULL to a IUnknown** parameter when COM object is surrogate hosted Pin
Per Nilsson2-Sep-10 20:42
Per Nilsson2-Sep-10 20:42 
AnswerRe: How to send NULL to a IUnknown** parameter when COM object is surrogate hosted [modified] Pin
tolw2-Sep-10 21:16
tolw2-Sep-10 21:16 
GeneralRe: How to send NULL to a IUnknown** parameter when COM object is surrogate hosted Pin
Per Nilsson2-Sep-10 23:07
Per Nilsson2-Sep-10 23:07 
QuestionWSACancelBlockingCall Pin
Bedke2-Sep-10 1:51
Bedke2-Sep-10 1:51 
Does any one know when is this "WSACancelBlockingCall" called.
I am facing a very strange problem with this. We have a editor to write our scripts, one of the script captures a window rectangle and send it to a COM api to get the text from the image. We use FineReader as the OCR tool which is on a different server.

The problem is when we run the script through the editor it returns the correct result. However we have another script which can run the scripts in batch files, when run through this, the socket to the sever returns "WSACancelBlockingCall"

Following is the code:

CSocket RecvSockSrv;

CSocket RecvSock;
SocketData data;
data.event = CreateEvent(NULL,FALSE,FALSE,NULL);
if (data.event==NULL)
// Error
data.nTimeOut = 15000; // Set TimeOut to 15 seconds

DWORD threadID;
HANDLE threadHandle = CreateThread(NULL,0,&ThreadFunc,&data,0,&threadID);
if (threadHandle==NULL)
// error during thread creation

int returnVal;
returnVal = RecvSockSrv.Accept(RecvSock); // Returns non zero when run through editor and 0 when the script is used.

Can anyone pls help me with this.. I want to know under wht circumstances the call is blocked with "WSACancelBlockingCall".

Thanks in advance for any help
QuestionHow to deal with such situation?(Need pass STL vector to dll under vs2008) [modified] Pin
fantasy121523-Aug-10 17:04
fantasy121523-Aug-10 17:04 
AnswerRe: How to deal with such situation?(Need pass STL vector to dll under vs2008) Pin
KingsGambit23-Aug-10 21:00
KingsGambit23-Aug-10 21:00 
QuestionQuestion about IOleObject::GetClipboardData Pin
edward barbu18-Aug-10 0:51
edward barbu18-Aug-10 0:51 
QuestionObject Initialization Problem Pin
pjdriverdude6-Aug-10 4:17
pjdriverdude6-Aug-10 4:17 
AnswerRe: Object Initialization Problem Pin
Sauro Viti6-Aug-10 4:42
professionalSauro Viti6-Aug-10 4:42 
GeneralRe: Object Initialization Problem Pin
pjdriverdude6-Aug-10 5:17
pjdriverdude6-Aug-10 5:17 
GeneralRe: Object Initialization Problem Pin
pjdriverdude6-Aug-10 5:28
pjdriverdude6-Aug-10 5:28 
GeneralRe: Object Initialization Problem Pin
Sauro Viti6-Aug-10 5:45
professionalSauro Viti6-Aug-10 5:45 
QuestionError in Excel Add in Pin
gahlawat5-Aug-10 20:01
gahlawat5-Aug-10 20:01 
QuestionHow to call C# function from unmanaged C++ code.? Pin
deadlyabbas20-Jul-10 19:59
deadlyabbas20-Jul-10 19:59 
AnswerRe: How to call C# function from unmanaged C++ code.? Pin
Sauro Viti21-Jul-10 20:50
professionalSauro Viti21-Jul-10 20:50 
QuestionWhy CreateWindowEx() function failed on 64 Bit window XP Pin
am 200920-Jul-10 6:02
am 200920-Jul-10 6:02 
QuestionRe: Why CreateWindowEx() function failed on 64 Bit window XP Pin
Randor 20-Jul-10 6:08
professional Randor 20-Jul-10 6:08 
AnswerRe: Why CreateWindowEx() function failed on 64 Bit window XP Pin
am 200920-Jul-10 21:06
am 200920-Jul-10 21:06 
AnswerRe: Why CreateWindowEx() function failed on 64 Bit window XP Pin
am 200920-Jul-10 21:21
am 200920-Jul-10 21:21 
GeneralRe: Why CreateWindowEx() function failed on 64 Bit window XP Pin
Randor 21-Jul-10 8:55
professional Randor 21-Jul-10 8:55 
Questionfile name in coleinsertdialog Pin
MKC00219-Jul-10 21:31
MKC00219-Jul-10 21:31 

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