Did you even read the documentation?
"Asynchronous command execution against internal servers is not supported"
I know the language. I've read a book. - _Madmatt
Actually I came across that item but it is in the "Restrictions on Regular Connections" and not in the "Restrictions on Context Connections" section on the same page so I must argue that such a plain statement leaves some questions about the context.
Is that what you were trying to say in your earlier post as I can't quite see the link.
Using VS 2008.
I have a ToolStripDropDown with a ToolStripControlHost containing a ComboBox (plus other controls).
I have a handler attached to the ToolStripDropDown Closing event.
The ComboBox has 8 items.
When the list is dropped down the lower 5 items protrude beneath the ToolStripDropDown
and overlay the form beneath.
(At this point ToolStripDropDown.AutoClose is set to True.I need it set to this at this point)
When any of these lower 5 items are selected in the list, the ToolStripDropDown Closing event is fired
with ToolStripDropDownClosingEventArgs of ToolStripDropDownCloseReason.AppClicked.
If any of the top 3 items ( the items of the list within the bounds of the ToolStripDropDown )are selected,
it works as expected ie. no Closing event.
If the Closing event handler is disabled temporarily, any of the 8 items can be selected.
I'm guessing that when the portion which is overlaying the form is clicked,
the dropdown list disappears and somehow the click is seen on the form?
Is this normal behaviour? If so is there a way to work around?
Thanks for any help.....
i wanted to re size the form dynamically and smoothly, i got it done , but now come across a problem, when the resizing is happening
it shows the background in black , but i want to change that color to normal control color. so any idea how to do this..
thanx in advance
How are you resizing the form? Can you show some code of what you are doing when the user resizes form? What are you using onPaintBackground for?
Life goes very fast. Tomorrow, today is already yesterday.
modified on Monday, December 20, 2010 8:53 AM
I'll be glad to get some help with this XML Schema
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ArrayOfElems xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<Element Attribute1="1">
<ChildElement Attribute2="1">
<elem1> blablabla </elem1>
<elem2> blablabla </elem2>
<elem3> blablabla </elem3>
<elem4> blablabla </elem4>
<ChildElement Attribute2="2">
<elem1> blablabla </elem1>
<elem2> blablabla </elem2>
<elem3> blablabla </elem3>
<elem4> blablabla </elem4>
<Element Attribute1="2">
<ChildElement Attribute2="1">
<elem1> blablabla </elem1>
<elem2> blablabla </elem2>
<elem3> blablabla </elem3>
<elem4> blablabla </elem4>
<ChildElement Attribute2="2">
<elem1> blablabla </elem1>
<elem2> blablabla </elem2>
<elem3> blablabla </elem3>
<elem4> blablabla </elem4>
<Element Attribute1="n">
<ChildElement Attribute2="1">
<elem1> blablabla </elem1>
<elem2> blablabla </elem2>
<elem3> blablabla </elem3>
<elem4> blablabla </elem4>
<ChildElement Attribute2="2">
<elem1> blablabla </elem1>
<elem2> blablabla </elem2>
<elem3> blablabla </elem3>
<elem4> blablabla </elem4>
i have here two different collection... how to handle them ?
It would be better to post this question in the XML/XSL forum.
ok, i'll try there
guys no1 can help here ?
maybe this one will be easier.
i need to serialize this list
Class A
Int _a,_b,_c;
{ _a=a.._c=c;}
Class B
List of A _l
Public B()
Loop 1 to 3
A a = new A();
Class Main
List of B _l;
Loop 1 to 3
_l.add(new Class B());
but got some trouble to serialize list in list
I don't understand your code.
I have a little article on XML serialization here[^].
I did a little extra experiment, and it worked right from the start. Here it goes.
the inner list:
public class StringList : List<string> {
public StringList() { }
public StringList(int count) {
for (int i=0; i<count; i++) this.Add("item"+i);
the serializer:
List<StringList> list=new List<StringList>();
list.Add(new StringList(2));
list.Add(new StringList(5));
list.Add(new StringList(3));
xSer=new XmlSerializer(typeof(List<StringList>));
xSer.Serialize(sw, list);
the deserializer:
List<StringList> list=(List<StringList>)xSer.Deserialize(sr);
foreach (StringList sl in list) {
foreach (string s in sl) log(s);
first, thanks for the answer !!
second, your second example seems to be what i need, but it a bit different...
instead of declaring 2 aggregated object of Class Mini inside Class Combo, i've a list of Mini inside Combo...
and also i've a list of Combo... (and here i fail...)
third, why do you use private ctor in this example ? (for both classes)
modified on Monday, December 20, 2010 5:49 PM
igalep132 wrote: why do you use private ctor
The access attributes aren't really relevant. Some of the default constructors are not used explicitly by my code, however they are needed by the serialization; making them private suits this, as serialization is based on reflection, it can access anything it finds!
I see...
Your examples are helped me a lot
small thing, how can i add an attributes to combo class ?
in order to see it like
<Combo num ="1">...</Combo>
<Combo num ="2">...</Combo>
Thanks again
I don't know. Are the ComboBox properties insufficient? they have Name, Tag, etc.
you didn't understand me correctly...
Combo is your example (second example in your article)
I have no experience with XML attributes. You're on your own. Try something like:
[XmlAttribute(DataType="int", AttributeName="myInteger")]
a bit late response, but thanks
I need a code that will allow me to find how much total storage space a local HD has on a server
(for example, \\randomname\c$), and also the amount of currently used space on that same HD.
So, if, for example, I am using the code on a computer named "Banana" I need it to tell me how much
space there is on a server called "RandomName".
Thanks in advance
If you want to do this in C# you'd have to use System.Management namespace. It contains the classes to do WMI in .NET. It's too bad that access of remote machines wasn't build into the DriveInfo class of the System.IO namespace.
I wonder if mapping a drive to the location would allow you to use the DriveInfo class?
It should do, but think of the consequences:
You would have to map every drive of the server to get at all of them.
And when enumerating your drives with driveInfo you have to filter for the
network drives and then look only at the ones from the server you're interested
in. Since you might want to inspect other servers too you'd need to do this programatically.
So I need to enumerate the drives on the remote computer ...?
The dog seems to chasing it's tail ...
how to play power point files in C#, the point is how to paly them seamless?
It is better of me!
Lots of ideas here[^].
Just say 'NO' to evaluated arguments for diadic functions! Ash
Thanks , I'll check them out .
It is better of me!
This Link[^] may work for you.