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AnswerRe: update structure in a vector of structures Pin
Niklas L6-Apr-11 20:55
Niklas L6-Apr-11 20:55 
GeneralRe: update structure in a vector of structures Pin
csrss7-Apr-11 2:14
csrss7-Apr-11 2:14 
AnswerRe: update structure in a vector of structures Pin
Parthi_Appu6-Apr-11 23:32
Parthi_Appu6-Apr-11 23:32 
GeneralRe: update structure in a vector of structures Pin
csrss7-Apr-11 2:18
csrss7-Apr-11 2:18 
AnswerRe: update structure in a vector of structures [modified] Pin
Stefan_Lang7-Apr-11 4:01
Stefan_Lang7-Apr-11 4:01 
GeneralRe: update structure in a vector of structures Pin
csrss7-Apr-11 7:11
csrss7-Apr-11 7:11 
GeneralRe: update structure in a vector of structures Pin
Stefan_Lang7-Apr-11 20:44
Stefan_Lang7-Apr-11 20:44 
QuestionHow to create setup file of an EXE in Visual Studio 6.0 ? Pin
pjhelp6-Apr-11 4:10
pjhelp6-Apr-11 4:10 
How can i create Setup file in 'Visual Studio 6.0'
I have used “ Package and Deployment Wizard “ of 'Visual Studio 6.0' for this purpose.But its searching for .vbp file.
Actually my file is developed in 'Visual Studio 6.0' . So can you please guide me any way to create setup file.

Thanks in advance
AnswerRe: How to create setup file of an EXE in Visual Studio 6.0 ? Pin
Hans Dietrich6-Apr-11 4:13
mentorHans Dietrich6-Apr-11 4:13 
AnswerRe: How to create setup file of an EXE in Visual Studio 6.0 ? Pin
DanYELL6-Apr-11 16:16
DanYELL6-Apr-11 16:16 
GeneralRe: How to create setup file of an EXE in Visual Studio 6.0 ? Pin
Albert Holguin6-Apr-11 17:05
professionalAlbert Holguin6-Apr-11 17:05 
GeneralRe: How to create setup file of an EXE in Visual Studio 6.0 ? Pin
Hans Dietrich6-Apr-11 17:33
mentorHans Dietrich6-Apr-11 17:33 
GeneralRe: How to create setup file of an EXE in Visual Studio 6.0 ? Pin
Albert Holguin6-Apr-11 17:42
professionalAlbert Holguin6-Apr-11 17:42 
GeneralRe: How to create setup file of an EXE in Visual Studio 6.0 ? Pin
Rajesh R Subramanian7-Apr-11 6:41
professionalRajesh R Subramanian7-Apr-11 6:41 
GeneralRe: How to create setup file of an EXE in Visual Studio 6.0 ? Pin
Albert Holguin6-Apr-11 17:44
professionalAlbert Holguin6-Apr-11 17:44 
GeneralRe: How to create setup file of an EXE in Visual Studio 6.0 ? Pin
Hans Dietrich6-Apr-11 18:04
mentorHans Dietrich6-Apr-11 18:04 
GeneralRe: How to create setup file of an EXE in Visual Studio 6.0 ? Pin
Albert Holguin6-Apr-11 18:07
professionalAlbert Holguin6-Apr-11 18:07 
GeneralRe: How to create setup file of an EXE in Visual Studio 6.0 ? Pin
Albert Holguin6-Apr-11 18:09
professionalAlbert Holguin6-Apr-11 18:09 
GeneralRe: How to create setup file of an EXE in Visual Studio 6.0 ? Pin
Hans Dietrich6-Apr-11 18:17
mentorHans Dietrich6-Apr-11 18:17 
GeneralRe: How to create setup file of an EXE in Visual Studio 6.0 ? Pin
Albert Holguin6-Apr-11 18:20
professionalAlbert Holguin6-Apr-11 18:20 
QuestionFormView on close Pin
Sakhalean6-Apr-11 3:23
Sakhalean6-Apr-11 3:23 
AnswerRe: FormView on close Pin
Hans Dietrich6-Apr-11 4:00
mentorHans Dietrich6-Apr-11 4:00 
GeneralRe: FormView on close Pin
Sakhalean6-Apr-11 4:09
Sakhalean6-Apr-11 4:09 
Questionhow to use visual leak detector Pin
shashankacharya6-Apr-11 1:10
shashankacharya6-Apr-11 1:10 
AnswerRe: how to use visual leak detector Pin
Hans Dietrich6-Apr-11 1:18
mentorHans Dietrich6-Apr-11 1:18 

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