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GeneralRe: locking on select PinPopular
Aadhar Joshi22-Oct-12 18:05
Aadhar Joshi22-Oct-12 18:05 
GeneralRe: locking on select Pin
The Sql Coder22-Oct-12 20:01
The Sql Coder22-Oct-12 20:01 
GeneralRe: locking on select Pin
Eddy Vluggen22-Oct-12 23:33
professionalEddy Vluggen22-Oct-12 23:33 
GeneralRe: locking on select Pin
Aadhar Joshi22-Oct-12 23:48
Aadhar Joshi22-Oct-12 23:48 
GeneralRe: locking on select Pin
Mycroft Holmes23-Oct-12 0:36
professionalMycroft Holmes23-Oct-12 0:36 
AnswerRe: locking on select Pin
kankeyan26-Oct-12 0:58
kankeyan26-Oct-12 0:58 
AnswerRe: locking on select Pin
Hitesh R5-Nov-12 22:42
Hitesh R5-Nov-12 22:42 
QuestionWrong retrieved attendance and leave data Pin
Amr Muhammed19-Oct-12 16:04
Amr Muhammed19-Oct-12 16:04 
Greetings. I'm having a problem that is we have a fingerprint devices in the factory, we have 2 work shifts OK so the security guys must switch the devices from "in state" to "out state" so that the [in/out mode] in the database being 0 "means attend state" it changes to 1 "means leave state", and vice versa. The problem is that sometimes the security guys forget to change the state of the device to in mode or out mode in the proper time so all the coming records will be wrong for example an employee will have 2 records one at 8:00:00 AM with an in/out mode value 0 and another one at 4:00:00 PM again with in/out mode value 0 instead of 1 so what I want is to adjust such records so that the returned data be correct. Here is the table of the attendance and leave log

We have 2 shifts on starts at 8:00:00 AM and ends at 4:00:00 PM and another starts at 6:30:00 PM and ends on the next day at 8:00:00 AM, that it is, one starts and ends in the same day and another starts on a day and ends on another day. So I want to adjust such invalid records before retrieving the data to based on work shift.

HR_Attend_And_Leave_Of_Staff: [Record No.], [Machine ID], [Employee ID], [Verify Mode] having value 1 if verify mode is a fingerprint or 15 if the mode is face, [In/Out Mode] having 0 for attendance 1 for leave, [Date], [Time]
HR_Employee_Job_Info: [Employee ID], [Shift ID]
AnswerRe: Wrong retrieved attendance and leave data Pin
Mycroft Holmes20-Oct-12 2:10
professionalMycroft Holmes20-Oct-12 2:10 
GeneralRe: Wrong retrieved attendance and leave data Pin
Amr Muhammed21-Oct-12 12:20
Amr Muhammed21-Oct-12 12:20 
GeneralRe: Wrong retrieved attendance and leave data Pin
Mycroft Holmes21-Oct-12 13:01
professionalMycroft Holmes21-Oct-12 13:01 
AnswerAssumed off Pin
David Mujica22-Oct-12 5:37
David Mujica22-Oct-12 5:37 
AnswerRe: Wrong retrieved attendance and leave data Pin
Michael Potter22-Oct-12 8:04
Michael Potter22-Oct-12 8:04 
GeneralRe: Wrong retrieved attendance and leave data Pin
Amr Muhammed22-Oct-12 15:19
Amr Muhammed22-Oct-12 15:19 
QuestionReport of the SQL Server Agent, job scheduler Pin
vanikanc19-Oct-12 8:05
vanikanc19-Oct-12 8:05 
AnswerRe: Report of the SQL Server Agent, job scheduler Pin
fjdiewornncalwe19-Oct-12 9:07
professionalfjdiewornncalwe19-Oct-12 9:07 
QuestionCopy a tables to another database (Flashdisk) Pin
Richard.Berry10018-Oct-12 11:50
Richard.Berry10018-Oct-12 11:50 
AnswerRe: Copy a tables to another database (Flashdisk) Pin
R. Giskard Reventlov18-Oct-12 12:22
R. Giskard Reventlov18-Oct-12 12:22 
GeneralRe: Copy a tables to another database (Flashdisk) Pin
Richard.Berry10018-Oct-12 12:40
Richard.Berry10018-Oct-12 12:40 
GeneralRe: Copy a tables to another database (Flashdisk) Pin
R. Giskard Reventlov18-Oct-12 13:14
R. Giskard Reventlov18-Oct-12 13:14 
GeneralRe: Copy a tables to another database (Flashdisk) Pin
Richard.Berry10018-Oct-12 14:10
Richard.Berry10018-Oct-12 14:10 
AnswerCreate small db, then use backup PinPopular
David Mujica19-Oct-12 6:21
David Mujica19-Oct-12 6:21 
GeneralRe: Create small db, then use backup Pin
fjdiewornncalwe19-Oct-12 6:43
professionalfjdiewornncalwe19-Oct-12 6:43 
GeneralRe: Create small db, then use backup Pin
Richard.Berry10025-Oct-12 5:55
Richard.Berry10025-Oct-12 5:55 
Question10g to 11g migration. Pin
vanikanc17-Oct-12 7:44
vanikanc17-Oct-12 7:44 

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