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Regular Expressions

GeneralRe: My co-worker came up with a regex that validate dates... and it even validates leap years! Pin
Thomas Daniels14-Jan-13 5:48
mentorThomas Daniels14-Jan-13 5:48 
GeneralRe: My co-worker came up with a regex that validate dates... and it even validates leap years! Pin
pt140127-Jan-13 19:29
pt140127-Jan-13 19:29 
GeneralRe: My co-worker came up with a regex that validate dates... and it even validates leap years! Pin
Thomas Daniels28-Jan-13 6:10
mentorThomas Daniels28-Jan-13 6:10 
GeneralRe: My co-worker came up with a regex that validate dates... and it even validates leap years! Pin
Lutosław4-Jun-13 13:14
Lutosław4-Jun-13 13:14 
QuestionAdvanced practice on regexp Pin
msoutopico19-Dec-12 8:06
msoutopico19-Dec-12 8:06 
AnswerRe: Advanced practice on regexp Pin
Peter_in_278019-Dec-12 12:04
professionalPeter_in_278019-Dec-12 12:04 
GeneralRe: Advanced practice on regexp Pin
msoutopico19-Dec-12 12:54
msoutopico19-Dec-12 12:54 
Questionhow to make a white space regex Pin
shaikh-adil17-Nov-12 23:34
shaikh-adil17-Nov-12 23:34 
i am doing a project, i want to match a string with regex which will match the whole string and it dosent allow two white spaces concerrently on after the other and also it dosent allow white spaces at starting and ending of string, any number of white spaces is allowable but not concurrently one after the other
AnswerRe: how to make a white space regex Pin
Peter_in_278018-Nov-12 10:47
professionalPeter_in_278018-Nov-12 10:47 
GeneralRe: how to make a white space regex Pin
shaikh-adil18-Nov-12 17:39
shaikh-adil18-Nov-12 17:39 
GeneralRe: how to make a white space regex Pin
Jochen Arndt18-Nov-12 21:32
professionalJochen Arndt18-Nov-12 21:32 
Questionpart of string before a match Pin
PozzaVecia29-Oct-12 10:21
PozzaVecia29-Oct-12 10:21 
AnswerRe: part of string before a match Pin
Richard Deeming29-Oct-12 10:37
mveRichard Deeming29-Oct-12 10:37 
GeneralRe: part of string before a match Pin
PozzaVecia29-Oct-12 11:08
PozzaVecia29-Oct-12 11:08 
AnswerRe: part of string before a match Pin
Matt T Heffron29-Oct-12 11:22
professionalMatt T Heffron29-Oct-12 11:22 
QuestionRegex getting special caracter Pin
PozzaVecia28-Oct-12 4:46
PozzaVecia28-Oct-12 4:46 
AnswerRe: Regex getting special caracter Pin
Richard Deeming29-Oct-12 2:24
mveRichard Deeming29-Oct-12 2:24 
GeneralRe: Regex getting special caracter Pin
PozzaVecia29-Oct-12 9:47
PozzaVecia29-Oct-12 9:47 
QuestionExtract tag within pre tag Pin
DATHeike2-Oct-12 0:00
DATHeike2-Oct-12 0:00 
AnswerRe: Extract tag within pre tag Pin
Pete O'Hanlon2-Oct-12 0:16
mvePete O'Hanlon2-Oct-12 0:16 
GeneralRe: Extract tag within pre tag Pin
DATHeike2-Oct-12 0:53
DATHeike2-Oct-12 0:53 
AnswerRe: Extract tag within pre tag Pin
BobJanova2-Oct-12 1:19
BobJanova2-Oct-12 1:19 
GeneralRe: Extract tag within pre tag Pin
DATHeike2-Oct-12 1:23
DATHeike2-Oct-12 1:23 
GeneralRe: Extract tag within pre tag Pin
Pete O'Hanlon2-Oct-12 1:32
mvePete O'Hanlon2-Oct-12 1:32 
Questionhow to make username regex for windows forms Pin
sariqkhan30-Sep-12 21:20
sariqkhan30-Sep-12 21:20 

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