Iam using Persisted Primary key constraint for one column in a table.
while creating another table using of the above table column as reference constraint getting the following error.
"There are no primary or candidate keys in the referenced table that match the referencing column list in the foreign key."
How could I resolve this issue?
What database are you using, candidate key does not sound familiar.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
H JJ wrote: How could I resolve this issue?
Have a look here[^].
A persisted column, that'd be a computed/calculated field? Are you sure that's a good idea to use as a primary key?
Bastard Programmer from Hell
If you can't read my code, try converting it here[^]
Eddy Vluggen wrote: A persisted column, that'd be a computed/calculated field? Are you sure that's a
good idea to use as a primary key?
It shouldn't even be allowed in my opinion
"The ones who care enough to do it right care too much to compromise."
Matthew Faithfull
Hi guys,
I want to plot a graph that shows weekly data for total year of total number of issues and solved issues.
So yearly will have 52 weeks. My financial year will start every year October to next year September end.
EX my Financial year 2012-13 Start date will be 01/10/2012 end date will be 30/09/2013.
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks and regards
Look into DATEPART that will give you the week number of the date within the year. Count the issues and group by the week datepart
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
Sum up want ever you want and make group by with datepart.
Thank you guys i solved the issue, thank you for your support
SELECT DATEPART(YEAR,trans_date) AS 'Year',DATEPART(wk,trans_date) AS 'Week #',MIN(DATEADD(wk, DATEDIFF(wk,0,trans_date), 0)) AS 'Week date', SUM(COALESCE(debit,0)) AS 'Debits', SUM(COALESCE(credit,0)) AS 'Credits' FROM trans GROUP BY DATEPART(YEAR,trans_date),DATEPART(wk,trans_date)ORDER BY 1,2;
Need one big help Getting error while creating function in SQL Server. Pls help to resolve the issue.
FYI, the inputs as follows. -
Function name: func_check_seat_availability
Description: The function will check for the availability of seats in a particular bus on a given day.
Input Parameters: in_bus_No, in_DateOfJourney, in_NoOfAdults, in_NoOfChildren.
Return Values: Return 1 if the seats are available, else return 0.
Table details:
Column Data Type Constraints
BookingId Varchar(4) P_Key, Starts with B100
BusNo Int (REFERENCES tbl_busdetails)
CustomerId Int (REFERENCES tbl_Customer)
DateOfBooking DateTime
DateOfJourney DateTime DateOfJourney>=DateOfBooking
NoOfAdults Int Greater than zero
NoOfChildren Int Greater than or = to zero
HARI JJ wrote: Getting error
We have no way of knowing what the error is unless you let us know.
What have you tried? What is the error that you get? If you expect someone to write the function for you, then you're in the wrong place.
What precisely are you expecting us to do with this information? You need to supply the script for the function and the error you are getting for us to help you!
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
What I have nothing better to do than write your code for you tsk tsk not going to happen I'm afraid. How can you expect to learn if you don't research and try and do the coding, getting help when you stumble.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
try something like
CREATE FUNCTION func_check_seat_availability
@in_bUS_No int,
@in_DateOfJourney datetime,
@in_NoOfAdults int,
@in_NoOfChildren int
RETURNS decimal(36,30)
--considering 64 is the total count of bus
declare @value decimal(36,30)
@value=case when sum(@in_NoOfAdults+@in_NoOfChildren) >= 34 then 0
when sum(@in_NoOfAdults+@in_NoOfChildren) < 14 then 1
from Details where BusNo=@in_bus_No and DateOfJourney=@in_DateOfJourney
return @value
Good Day
i have been hit by this error this night.
I have a UDF defined like this
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[funcFormatPercentages_Extended]
@parPercentageToBeFormatted nvarchar(20)
RETURNS nvarchar(20)
RETURN CAST(CAST(convert(float,@parPercentageToBeFormatted)* 100 AS decimal(4, 1)) AS nvarchar(5)) + N'%'
so i will call the UDF with the value like this
select [dbo].[funcFormatPercentages_Extended_numeric]('-43.4703076923077')
select [dbo].[funcFormatPercentages_Extended_numeric]('36.403813624481')
i get an Error
Msg 8115, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type nvarchar.
I tried to change the datatypes and Precision around , but still the error.
Vuyiswa Maseko,
Spoted in Daniweb-- Sorry to rant. I hate websites. They are just wierd. They don't behave like normal code.
A guess only, try removing the N'%' and see if it makes a difference. % is an operator and the interpretor may be making a mistake on the operation.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
decimal(4, 1) means a number with three digits before the decimal point and one digit after:
Based on your provided inputs: 36.403 * 100 = 3640.3
Therefore, your result requires four digits before the decimal point, so the precision should be 5:
RETURN CAST(CAST(CONVERT(float, @parPercentageToBeFormatted) * 100 AS decimal(5, 1)) AS nvarchar(5)) + N'%'
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
<pre>hi all below is my Store Proc
SELECT vb.Sno,
FROM mtblVehicle_Booking vb
LEFT JOIN mtblLog_Book lb
ON vb.Sno = lb.Sno
where vb.Vehicle_Number = @Vehicle_Number
AND DATEPART(MONTH,vb.Vehicle_Booking_Date) = MONTH(getdate())
it is working fine. But here I need to put a condition, it should give priority to mtblLog_Book means if mtblLog_Book having data then it should show from mtblLog_Book table otherwise it should shows data from mtblVehicle_Booking for a particular Sno.
Actually firstly on the behalf of mtblVehicle_Booking I am binding a Gridview after updating the data it should show the data from mtblLog_Book.
So let me know please how to put a condition in my sp.
Use a Case When or IsNull condition like this:
SELECT isnull(lb.somefield,vb.anotherfield) as columnname
FROM mtblVehicle_Booking vb
LEFT JOIN mtblLog_Book lb
ON vb.Sno = lb.Sno If lb.somefield is null it will be replaced by vb.anotherfield
"The ones who care enough to do it right care too much to compromise."
Matthew Faithfull
your query may be right, let me complete my sentence. according to you query it will show the not null columns, Yes I need that,
but suppose I update vehicle_no in LogBook, now both Vehcile_Booking table and LogBook tabel both have Different Vehicle_no, but after updation I just want to show it from LogBook table instead of Vehicle_Booking table.