Is there a way to check for that without having to list every Unicode character? I didn't see any accented names in our database but that certainly doesn't mean it can't happen in the future.
I'd prefer to not include all Unicode characters. Just the ones with a high likelihood of showing up. I imagine that it could only be characters that would be accepted by Active Directory.
At least with the .NET Regex
(I don't know about others)
you can specify the Unicode character category (for "Letter") so your regex would be:
possibly even just
A positive attitude may not solve every problem, but it will annoy enough people to be worth the effort.
After looking at that link, a person could go crazy trying to catch every possibility. Looks like regex can be very thorough!
Thanks for the help!
There's a reason the "Mastering Regular Expressions" book[^] is 496 pages!!!
A positive attitude may not solve every problem, but it will annoy enough people to be worth the effort.
How would you allow for a period only at the end of the string where in the case a name ends in Jr. or Sr.? A period wouldn't normally appear in any other position in a last name. I'm going with the pattern below so far. I'm double checking names in Active Directory but I'm reasonably sure you can't use diacritical characters. I need to research that to be certain.
Add the \. right before the $
A positive attitude may not solve every problem, but it will annoy enough people to be worth the effort.
That works perfect. I'm really starting to get the hang of this.
Checkout the Expresso[^] tool (free) to explore regular expressions!
A positive attitude may not solve every problem, but it will annoy enough people to be worth the effort.
Right, that is actually the tool I'm using. I bumped into it a couple of years ago but this is the first time I ever used regex.
Well, this pattern was working yesterday on a different computer at work. I installed Expresso on my personal computer so I could work on my project over the weekend and now the pattern is not working.
john1 = no matches
The pattern should match the number one because numbers are not allowed but the results are blank when I run this pattern. I could have sworn that this was working yesterday.
I did some further testing and discovered that the \. is breaking the pattern. If there is no period at the end; then count = 0. This pattern seems to require the period at the end and then it works correctly. The period should be allowed 0 or 1 times at the end of the string.
So the pattern below is working the way I want it to in Expresso but not when I use it in an HTA using vbscript to do the pattern matching. Vbscript is throwing an error at the line where the pattern is executed.
Not sure how to make a pattern that works in Expresso to also work with vbscript.
^[a-zA-Z\-\s']+?\.$ This pattern works when testing in Expresso but doesn't work with vbscript although this may work when used with other languages.
^[a-zA-Z\-\s']+\.{0,1}$ This is the pattern that behaves the same way as the pattern above but also works with vbscript.
Jones Smith (no hyphen)
Van Allen (no hyphen)
Vander Ark (no hyphen)
Jones Sr.
Although this doesn't address diacritical characters, a few conversations with colleagues resulted in the decision that the risk is very low that they will be used in Active Directory. We currently have only 3 techs making entries into AD so informing them of how this pattern works will reduce the risk even further. I have worked for my organization for 14 years and no diacritical characters have been used until now so I feel pretty safe in not testing for them. It may not be the ultimate approach such as selling a product to the public but it does meet the needs of the specifications that were given to me.
Thank you! - I'd like to give a shout out to everyone who helped me out with this project! I really appreciate all of you taking the time to steer me in the right direction! I would go as far as to say that CodeProject could be just as valuable as sitting in any classroom. You may not get a certification here but the knowledge gained is invaluable. I was able to gain a solid understanding of regex in a matter of a few hours. I watched several videos but I would say this forum helped out the most because it specifically dealt with the solution that I was attempting to resolve.
modified 12-Oct-14 10:25am.
robwm1 wrote: ^[a-zA-Z\-\s']+?\.$
This was so.... close.
When I suggested the \. I forgot the conditional aspect of the the dot at the end. (Sorry.)
Just move the ? to be after the \.
the ? means exactly the same thing as {0,1}
A positive attitude may not solve every problem, but it will annoy enough people to be worth the effort.
I never thought to move the ? to the end. You're right though, it is the same result as {0,1}.
Thanks again!
I'd be awfully surprised if the only characters allowed in Active Directory worldwide are the basic ASCII-ish letters.
A positive attitude may not solve every problem, but it will annoy enough people to be worth the effort.
I know we have a least one person that has an accented 'e' in their last name but it's not that way in Active Directory. I don't know if that is due the person making the entry didn't know how to make the accented character or it was disallowed. I'll definitely research to be sure before I make a final decision to leave it out. I will post my findings here.
I created an HTA that requires First Name, Last Name, and username to be entered. I am working on the First Name validation first.
The First Name should only be alpha characters but may include a hyphen. No numbers or symbols (besides hyphen) should be found in any position of the string being tested. I did find one user with a hyphen in the first name though so I need to allow that symbol. My approach has been to look for matches that are not alpha characters. If there is a match, I display a warning that tells the user to enter only alpha characters. Here is the regex pattern that I am testing:
When I test this pattern, it is unable to detect a number or symbol (including hyphen) if it is in any position other than the end of the string. The pattern I posted here doesn't allow for a hyphen so I need to fix that as well.
What should this regex pattern look like if I want to detect anything other than an alpha character regardless of where it occurs in the string being tested?
modified 9-Oct-14 19:04pm.
You can try this
The hyphen is a keyword in regular expressions so you need to escape it with \-
This is a pretty good site to learn about regex. Regular-Expressions.info[^]
That's only going to detect a string that contains nothing but the disallowed characters.
For example, "1.2" will match, but "1.2a" will not.
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
You are right. Forgot to check that.
I usually stay away from negations like that. It usually contains traps.
Your solution is probably better.
What would be considered the best approach then? I thought it made sense to look for what is disallowed and look at the count property. If the count property is > 0, then the data entered needs to be corrected.
This is my first time using regex so I am unaware of what would be considered best practice. I spent all day yesterday studying about regex to learn about and used Expresso to play around with possibilities. Like most programmers, I would prefer to follow best practices.
To match the characters that aren't allowed, try:
To validate that the string doesn't contain any disallowed characters, use:
For the HTML5 pattern attribute[^], use:
<input type="text" name="FirstName" required pattern="[a-zA-Z\-]+" />
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
I tried ^[a-zA-Z\-]+$ using a string like:
10fred$erick jones
The search results didn't catch any of the disallowed characters. Am I not understanding how this pattern should work? It should have matched 10 $ and the space between the names. I'm using a utility called Expresso to pretest for results.
The expression ^[a-zA-Z\-]+$ will only match the string if it doesn't contain any disallowed characters.
Since the string 10fred$erick jones contains disallowed characters, it will not match that pattern.
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
So in this case, if count = 0, then I should warn the user, correct? Is this considered best practice in doing it from this approach? I did try using a proper and expect input and it matches every character so I see what you're talking about.
Yes, if the string doesn't match that expression, then it's not valid.
The HTML5 pattern attribute[^] works in the same way - if the entered string doesn't match the pattern, then it's not valid.
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
How to convert "Jan DD" to "DD/01" where D is any digit from 0 to 9 (e.g.: Jan 15>15/01)