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CodeProject API

GeneralRe: API down Pin
Matthew Dennis2-Feb-17 11:55
sysadminMatthew Dennis2-Feb-17 11:55 
GeneralRe: API down Pin
Robert Vandenberg Huang10-May-17 14:27
professionalRobert Vandenberg Huang10-May-17 14:27 
GeneralRe: API down Pin
Matthew Dennis10-May-17 15:32
sysadminMatthew Dennis10-May-17 15:32 
GeneralFormumMessages API Pin
Jan van den Baard10-Jan-17 19:40
professionalJan van den Baard10-Jan-17 19:40 
AnswerRe: FormumMessages API Pin
Thomas Daniels11-Jan-17 3:38
mentorThomas Daniels11-Jan-17 3:38 
GeneralRe: FormumMessages API Pin
Jan van den Baard11-Jan-17 4:37
professionalJan van den Baard11-Jan-17 4:37 
GeneralRe: FormumMessages API Pin
Matthew Dennis11-Jan-17 6:33
sysadminMatthew Dennis11-Jan-17 6:33 
GeneralRe: FormumMessages API Pin
Jan van den Baard11-Jan-17 15:18
professionalJan van den Baard11-Jan-17 15:18 
Thanks. Good to hear that there is still activity on the API development as time permits. For now I decided to "mock" an API call to return a list of available forums (which will return a static ItemSummary list for now). When you get around to implementing something it should not be to difficult to replace that mock.

As for the forums at the end of an article a pointer to that should ultimately be returned through the GET V1/Articles call. That would probably mean an extra field in the ItemSummary but that way they are accesible as well.

GeneralApi is down? Pin
LeopoldVI13-Sep-16 1:48
LeopoldVI13-Sep-16 1:48 
GeneralWhat about Views and Downloads? Pin
#realJSOP21-Apr-16 4:35
professional#realJSOP21-Apr-16 4:35 
QuestionAPI down? Pin
Thomas Daniels1-Feb-16 5:58
mentorThomas Daniels1-Feb-16 5:58 
AnswerRe: API down? Pin
Brisingr Aerowing1-Feb-16 7:49
professionalBrisingr Aerowing1-Feb-16 7:49 
GeneralRe: API down? Pin
Matthew Dennis1-Feb-16 8:13
sysadminMatthew Dennis1-Feb-16 8:13 
JokeRe: API down? Pin
Brisingr Aerowing1-Feb-16 9:07
professionalBrisingr Aerowing1-Feb-16 9:07 
GeneralMy API: include References Pin
Thomas Daniels29-Dec-15 0:33
mentorThomas Daniels29-Dec-15 0:33 
Question/my/notifications: ObjectTypeName, ObjectId and Topic Pin
Thomas Daniels26-Dec-15 5:27
mentorThomas Daniels26-Dec-15 5:27 
GeneralApi is again down Pin
maq_rohit18-Dec-15 9:05
professionalmaq_rohit18-Dec-15 9:05 
GeneralRe: Api is again down Pin
Matthew Dennis18-Dec-15 9:27
sysadminMatthew Dennis18-Dec-15 9:27 
GeneralRe: Api is again down Pin
maq_rohit18-Dec-15 11:29
professionalmaq_rohit18-Dec-15 11:29 
GeneralRe: Api is again down Pin
Brisingr Aerowing31-Jan-16 15:35
professionalBrisingr Aerowing31-Jan-16 15:35 
GeneralRuntime error on API Pin
Thomas Daniels21-Nov-15 3:24
mentorThomas Daniels21-Nov-15 3:24 
QuestionEmpty "ApiLink"? Pin
Thomas Daniels4-Nov-15 9:27
mentorThomas Daniels4-Nov-15 9:27 
AnswerRe: Empty "ApiLink"? Pin
Matthew Dennis9-Nov-15 2:01
sysadminMatthew Dennis9-Nov-15 2:01 
QuestionWhat is "ContentType" in ItemSummary? Pin
Thomas Daniels3-Nov-15 23:41
mentorThomas Daniels3-Nov-15 23:41 
AnswerRe: What is "ContentType" in ItemSummary? Pin
Matthew Dennis9-Nov-15 2:04
sysadminMatthew Dennis9-Nov-15 2:04 

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