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Managed C++/CLI

GeneralRe: multithread Pin
Member 1306030229-Mar-17 23:57
Member 1306030229-Mar-17 23:57 
AnswerRe: multithread Pin
Munchies_Matt2-Apr-17 23:34
Munchies_Matt2-Apr-17 23:34 
QuestionI have OCX created in VC++ that has many functions. OCX has got some GUI. I want to use those functions in C# web application without loading OCX. i.e. I want to extract only functions from OCX. Can anyone please suggest how this can be done? Pin
Member 109266063-Mar-17 1:10
Member 109266063-Mar-17 1:10 
AnswerRe: I have OCX created in VC++ that has many functions. OCX has got some GUI. I want to use those functions in C# web application without loading OCX. i.e. I want to extract only functions from OCX. Can anyone please suggest how this can be done? Pin
Richard Andrew x645-Mar-17 6:06
professionalRichard Andrew x645-Mar-17 6:06 
Questionhow do I fix this Pin
girl74326-Feb-17 19:02
girl74326-Feb-17 19:02 
AnswerRe: how do I fix this Pin
Jochen Arndt6-Feb-17 21:18
professionalJochen Arndt6-Feb-17 21:18 
AnswerRe: how do I fix this Pin
Richard MacCutchan6-Feb-17 21:35
mveRichard MacCutchan6-Feb-17 21:35 
AnswerRe: how do I fix this Pin
Patrice T18-Feb-17 15:26
mvePatrice T18-Feb-17 15:26 
I don't know what to do anymore. Help me

Use the debugger to check what part of your code match your expectations and which part don't, it will help you to marrow the search of defects.

When you don't understand what your code is doing or why it does what it does, the answer is debugger.
Use the debugger to see what your code is doing. Just set a breakpoint and see your code performing, the debugger allow you to execute lines 1 by 1 and to inspect variables as it execute, it is an incredible learning tool.

Debugger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[^]
Mastering Debugging in Visual Studio 2010 - A Beginner's Guide[^]

The debugger is here to show you what your code is doing and your task is to compare with what it should do.
There is no magic in the debugger, it don't find bugs, it just help you to. When the code don't do what is expected, you are close to a bug.

Here is links to references books on C and C++ by the authors of the languages. Note than C is the ancestor of C++, so knowing C is always useful with C++.
The C Programming Language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[^][^][^]

C++ Programing Language[^]

“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.” Albert Einstein

AnswerRe: how do I fix this Pin
Member 131123846-Apr-17 22:15
Member 131123846-Apr-17 22:15 
QuestionVC++ solution Klocwork code analysis is getting stuck Pin
Amrit Agr25-Jan-17 0:55
Amrit Agr25-Jan-17 0:55 
AnswerRe: VC++ solution Klocwork code analysis is getting stuck Pin
Jochen Arndt25-Jan-17 1:37
professionalJochen Arndt25-Jan-17 1:37 
QuestionChannelFactory create exception Pin
Moby20-Jan-17 22:16
Moby20-Jan-17 22:16 
AnswerRe: ChannelFactory create exception Pin
Richard MacCutchan20-Jan-17 22:32
mveRichard MacCutchan20-Jan-17 22:32 
GeneralRe: ChannelFactory create exception Pin
Moby26-Jan-17 6:27
Moby26-Jan-17 6:27 
GeneralRe: ChannelFactory create exception Pin
Richard MacCutchan26-Jan-17 6:55
mveRichard MacCutchan26-Jan-17 6:55 
Questionc++ toolTip windowsforms graphics Pin
SuchitraAB17-Jan-17 19:53
SuchitraAB17-Jan-17 19:53 
AnswerRe: c++ toolTip windowsforms graphics Pin
Richard MacCutchan17-Jan-17 22:21
mveRichard MacCutchan17-Jan-17 22:21 
GeneralRe: c++ toolTip windowsforms graphics Pin
SuchitraAB20-Jan-17 19:23
SuchitraAB20-Jan-17 19:23 
GeneralRe: c++ toolTip windowsforms graphics Pin
Richard MacCutchan20-Jan-17 22:20
mveRichard MacCutchan20-Jan-17 22:20 
Questionquery Pin
Member 1291798422-Dec-16 4:51
Member 1291798422-Dec-16 4:51 
AnswerRe: query Pin
Jon McKee22-Dec-16 5:42
professionalJon McKee22-Dec-16 5:42 
AnswerRe: query Pin
Patrice T13-Jan-17 0:10
mvePatrice T13-Jan-17 0:10 
QuestionPlease help memory management Pin
Member 1282783222-Nov-16 21:06
Member 1282783222-Nov-16 21:06 
AnswerRe: Please help memory management Pin
Jochen Arndt22-Nov-16 21:42
professionalJochen Arndt22-Nov-16 21:42 
GeneralRe: Please help memory management Pin
Member 1282783222-Nov-16 22:04
Member 1282783222-Nov-16 22:04 

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