Hello, I am newbie to C++ and therefore I found the following example and working with it.
A Beginner Tutorial for Writing Simple COM/ATL DLL For VS2012
I like to know how to use this example COM object in VB Script, I like to do it using CreateObject Method.
If it currently doesn't support VB Script, how can I add VB Script support to this DLL?
Thanks for your help.
Thanks, I did it but I got "Could not locate automation class..." in VB Script, but using C# this works fine.
I used it like
Dim Test: Set Test = WScript.CreateObject("SimpleATLComLib.SimpleCom")
Test.TotalMarks = 50
because I don't know how to get automation class name to be used in VB Script from that DLL.
Why this error occurs?
Sorry, no idea, I have not used VBScript in this way.
I need to debug an embedded C-application that contains a lot of the following structs:
I have ported the code into a Visual Studio 2005 console application and I would like to dump all the struct-members (several hundred in total) to a text-file like this:
MyStruct.MySubStruct.MyEnum = MyEnumValue
I know this isn't possible in pure Visual Studio c programming language, but aren't you allowed to include C++ files as well in a Visual Studio console project? If so, is C++ capable of converting struct members and enums into text strings?
arnold_w wrote: pure Visual Studio c programming language There is no such thing.
And your code above does not make clear what the problem is in sending the struct contents to a text file. Generally speaking you need to write the code to dump each element of the struct. Or you could just run the program in the Visual Studio debugger and examine the fields that way.
Just like
__FILE__ generates a string with file name and
__LINE__ generates a string with the line number, I would like to have some way of generating strings with the structs' and members' names.
Those are compiler defined values, and have nothing to do with your question.
I guess I could use the Visual Studio debugger and use OCR (optical character recognition) on the watch window. Can anybody recommend a good, free OCR application?
arnold_w wrote: OCR (optical character recognition) on the watch window I'd like to see that work.
The C and C++ runtime environments do not maintain metadata on the types in your program the way a .NET executable does.
Therefore, I don't see how you would dump the type names, unless you develop a program to process your source code and extract the information that way.
If I'm wrong about this, I invite correction.
The difficult we do right away...
...the impossible takes slightly longer.
Yes, I had to do this many years ago.
However you are not really giving me enough information. You need to be very specific when you ask for help. Do you need to do this on a Release build or Debug build? Do you need to do this at run-time or compile-time?
1.) Preprocessor abuse[^] that stores the variable name in an extra char field in the struct. Here is a partial example[^].
2.) If you are using C++ there are several boost libs[^] that allow you to implement some reflection.
3.) The Debug Interface Access SDK[^] can be used to get all of the structs and member variable names. If you go this route... you will need to generate a PDB.
Best Wishes,
-David Delaune
Since this a debug tool that only will be used in-house, it doesn't matter if I use release or debug and compile time is fine.
arnold_w wrote: Since this a debug tool
If this is a debug tool I recommend that you check out the Debug Interface Access SDK[^] which will allow you to get all kinds of useful information and statistics about your executable. You can dump each function/class size and type along with the variable name.
Dia2dump Sample[^]
Best Wishes,
-David Delaune
Hi everyone!
I need to "send" data in a notepad every time I write double numbers on edit control and press save. I wrote some code but my dialog (where the edit control is) don't even open when I run the executable. What I've done so far:
void CDataDialog::OnBnClickedSave()
CFileDialog dlg(FALSE, L"Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt|Texr Files (*.h)|*.h|", NULL, OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT, L"Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt|Text Files (*.h)|*.h|");
CStdioFile file;
CString buffer;
CString textfile;
if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK)
file.Open(dlg.GetFileName(), CStdioFile::modeCreate | CStdioFile::modeWrite);
void CDataDialog::OnEnChangeEdit1()
I think I must write some code here so the dialog box work fine but I can't it.
void CInputView::OnLinefeaturesData()
CInputDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();
CDataDialog DialogWindow;
You have to show the dialog after it has been created:
void CInputView::OnLinefeaturesData()
CInputDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();
CDataDialog DialogWindow;
Great!!!I did it!! but how can I save what I write on edit box in a .txt. It worked fine but I din't manage to save what I wrote! Thanks again for your response!!
Just get the text from the edit box using GetWindowText :
CString buffer;
CEdit *pEdit = (CEdit*)GetDlgItem(IDC_OF_THE_EDIT_BOX);
I did it but I didn't manage to save them again. Also when I pressed <x> this message appeared: "Exception thrown at 0x104420C5 (mfc140ud.dll) in Input.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000020.
If there is a handler for this exception, the program may be safely continued.------>Break, Continue, Ignore"
Actually, I fixed the second problem!! But still didn't saved in txt.
Then use the debugger to see what happens (e.g. by setting a break point somewhere after the output file has been selected using the CFileDialog ). You might also check if file.Open was successful. But if that fails calling file.WriteString should throw an execption.
I'll check it!Thank you very mush for your help!!
Hi all,
How can I give data in a dialog box dynamically? In a previous project I used edit boxes (e.g for 3 conductors) and gave those data separately for each conductor but now I have to give them dynamically and I don't have standard number of conductors and I can't use edit box again. Could you please give me an idea or a good link describing step by step how to create a table in a dialog box dynamically?
Thanks for your time!!