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AnswerRe: Web developer employment Pin
Member 138680818-Jan-20 11:03
Member 138680818-Jan-20 11:03 
QuestionWhat is the best programming language for developing ERPs Pin
Maria Okta25-Jul-18 17:20
professionalMaria Okta25-Jul-18 17:20 
AnswerRe: What is the best programming language for developing ERPs Pin
Richard Deeming26-Jul-18 1:57
mveRichard Deeming26-Jul-18 1:57 
AnswerRe: What is the best programming language for developing ERPs Pin
ElisaCurl12-Sep-18 0:27
ElisaCurl12-Sep-18 0:27 
AnswerRe: What is the best programming language for developing ERPs Pin
ReolusTechnologies12-Nov-19 1:47
professionalReolusTechnologies12-Nov-19 1:47 
AnswerRe: What is the best programming language for developing ERPs Pin
m8e31-Mar-23 18:19
m8e31-Mar-23 18:19 
QuestionLaunching Visual Studio From External Hard Drive Pin
Keith@Stand21-Jul-18 6:42
Keith@Stand21-Jul-18 6:42 
QuestionSome things that are bothering me about file/data corruption Pin
Thaana Paana27-Jun-18 2:38
Thaana Paana27-Jun-18 2:38 
This might seem kinda off topic but I'm very concerned about this. I'm storing serialized objects in binary files as a data to load, there will be a lot of these files and I'm afraid that it might get corrupt because I want these files for a very looong time.

After reading this I have some more questions
Why, or How, do Files Become Corrupt? - Ask Leo![^]

Confused | :confused:
1. There is no way I can prevent it?
2. If you don't use/interact a file there is a high chance of getting it corrupted?
3. Will the file get corrupted depending on its weight Big Grin | :-D like if its 1 gb or more?
4. What is the best way to store/keep my data clean for long time usage?
5. I know there is a huge chance of files getting corrupted if a windows crash occurs while I'm saving it. But what about like after the file is saved and if a windows crash occurs? will the file still corrupt?

PS: My english sucks, hope you had a fun time reading it! Smile | :)
QuestionWhat is the business world like for a programmer? Pin
Member 1388205321-Jun-18 11:02
Member 1388205321-Jun-18 11:02 
AnswerRe: What is the business world like for a programmer? Pin
Nitin S11-Jul-18 0:25
Nitin S11-Jul-18 0:25 
AnswerRe: What is the business world like for a programmer? PinPopular
Nathan Minier26-Jul-18 2:39
professionalNathan Minier26-Jul-18 2:39 
GeneralRe: What is the business world like for a programmer? Pin
kmoorevs12-Aug-18 6:56
kmoorevs12-Aug-18 6:56 
Question[Solved] Private/Public Key Pair, I'm unsure, please help to clarify Pin
User 1106097910-May-18 5:27
User 1106097910-May-18 5:27 
AnswerRe: Private/Public Key Pair, I'm unsure, please help to clarify Pin
Richard Deeming10-May-18 5:53
mveRichard Deeming10-May-18 5:53 
GeneralRe: Private/Public Key Pair, I'm unsure, please help to clarify Pin
User 1106097910-May-18 5:55
User 1106097910-May-18 5:55 
AnswerRe: Private/Public Key Pair, I'm unsure, please help to clarify Pin
Nathan Minier10-May-18 5:58
professionalNathan Minier10-May-18 5:58 
GeneralRe: Private/Public Key Pair, I'm unsure, please help to clarify Pin
User 1106097910-May-18 6:04
User 1106097910-May-18 6:04 
GeneralRe: Private/Public Key Pair, I'm unsure, please help to clarify Pin
User 1407655213-Jul-21 21:46
User 1407655213-Jul-21 21:46 
QuestionMessage Removed Pin
15-Jan-18 18:03
Heath Kim15-Jan-18 18:03 
QuestionGetting negative votes from author without mentioning proper reason Pin
Biswal Tanmaya10-Dec-17 6:41
professionalBiswal Tanmaya10-Dec-17 6:41 
AnswerRe: Getting negative votes from author without mentioning proper reason Pin
Pete O'Hanlon10-Dec-17 7:58
mvePete O'Hanlon10-Dec-17 7:58 
GeneralRe: Getting negative votes from author without mentioning proper reason Pin
Deepak Vasudevan13-Sep-21 21:37
Deepak Vasudevan13-Sep-21 21:37 
QuestionIf a silver member gives a negative comment against a solved code Pin
Laxmidhar tatwa technologies20-Nov-17 19:05
Laxmidhar tatwa technologies20-Nov-17 19:05 
AnswerRe: If a silver member gives a negative comment against a solved code Pin
F-ES Sitecore22-Nov-17 23:28
professionalF-ES Sitecore22-Nov-17 23:28 
GeneralRe: If a silver member gives a negative comment against a solved code Pin
Laxmidhar tatwa technologies23-Nov-17 0:40
Laxmidhar tatwa technologies23-Nov-17 0:40 

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