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GeneralRe: HRESULT variable returning negative value Pin
jschell30-Jun-19 7:14
jschell30-Jun-19 7:14 
GeneralRe: HRESULT variable returning negative value Pin
Richard MacCutchan30-Jun-19 10:14
mveRichard MacCutchan30-Jun-19 10:14 
AnswerRe: HRESULT variable returning negative value Pin
Stefan_Lang30-Jun-19 22:09
Stefan_Lang30-Jun-19 22:09 
PraiseRe: HRESULT variable returning negative value Pin
Member 144995631-Jul-19 4:05
Member 144995631-Jul-19 4:05 
GeneralRe: HRESULT variable returning negative value Pin
Stefan_Lang1-Jul-19 21:31
Stefan_Lang1-Jul-19 21:31 
GeneralRe: HRESULT variable returning negative value Pin
Member 144995632-Jul-19 6:29
Member 144995632-Jul-19 6:29 
QuestionHook stops application Pin
Mark_G0027-Jun-19 5:34
Mark_G0027-Jun-19 5:34 
AnswerRe: Hook stops application Pin
leon de boer27-Jun-19 7:13
leon de boer27-Jun-19 7:13 
It can't be done anymore on a console application for security to stop stupid hacker keyloggers which basically would only then require minimalistic access. Don't think you can do any of this stuff since Window7 or maybe Vista.

Think you need the minimum of a windows message loop handler which has a valid windows thread id which basically means it must be a windows app or service. That means the hook can't hide, windows knows about it and registered it.
In vino veritas

modified 27-Jun-19 13:19pm.

GeneralRe: Hook stops application Pin
Mark_G0028-Jun-19 3:23
Mark_G0028-Jun-19 3:23 
GeneralRe: Hook stops application Pin
Victor Nijegorodov28-Jun-19 4:50
Victor Nijegorodov28-Jun-19 4:50 
GeneralRe: Hook stops application Pin
Mark_G0028-Jun-19 6:41
Mark_G0028-Jun-19 6:41 
GeneralRe: Hook stops application Pin
Victor Nijegorodov28-Jun-19 7:45
Victor Nijegorodov28-Jun-19 7:45 
GeneralRe: Hook stops application Pin
Mark_G0028-Jun-19 9:03
Mark_G0028-Jun-19 9:03 
GeneralRe: Hook stops application Pin
leon de boer28-Jun-19 20:59
leon de boer28-Jun-19 20:59 
GeneralRe: Hook stops application Pin
Mark_G0029-Jun-19 3:36
Mark_G0029-Jun-19 3:36 
QuestionImporting enhanced metafile from ms word to MFC problem Pin
zakomed24-Jun-19 3:55
zakomed24-Jun-19 3:55 
QuestionCStringList on heap Pin
_Flaviu18-Jun-19 23:38
_Flaviu18-Jun-19 23:38 
QuestionRe: CStringList on heap Pin
CPallini19-Jun-19 2:19
mveCPallini19-Jun-19 2:19 
AnswerRe: CStringList on heap Pin
_Flaviu19-Jun-19 19:36
_Flaviu19-Jun-19 19:36 
GeneralRe: CStringList on heap Pin
CPallini20-Jun-19 4:49
mveCPallini20-Jun-19 4:49 
AnswerRe: CStringList on heap Pin
Maximilien19-Jun-19 3:43
Maximilien19-Jun-19 3:43 
GeneralRe: CStringList on heap Pin
_Flaviu19-Jun-19 19:38
_Flaviu19-Jun-19 19:38 
GeneralRe: CStringList on heap Pin
Richard MacCutchan19-Jun-19 21:07
mveRichard MacCutchan19-Jun-19 21:07 
GeneralRe: CStringList on heap Pin
Stefan_Lang19-Jun-19 23:20
Stefan_Lang19-Jun-19 23:20 
GeneralRe: CStringList on heap Pin
jschell23-Jun-19 5:54
jschell23-Jun-19 5:54 

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