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AnswerRe: HRESULT variable returning negative value Pin
Victor Nijegorodov28-Jun-19 7:42
Victor Nijegorodov28-Jun-19 7:42 
GeneralRe: HRESULT variable returning negative value Pin
Member 1449956328-Jun-19 8:48
Member 1449956328-Jun-19 8:48 
GeneralRe: HRESULT variable returning negative value Pin
Richard MacCutchan29-Jun-19 7:23
mveRichard MacCutchan29-Jun-19 7:23 
GeneralRe: HRESULT variable returning negative value Pin
jschell30-Jun-19 7:14
jschell30-Jun-19 7:14 
GeneralRe: HRESULT variable returning negative value Pin
Richard MacCutchan30-Jun-19 10:14
mveRichard MacCutchan30-Jun-19 10:14 
AnswerRe: HRESULT variable returning negative value Pin
Stefan_Lang30-Jun-19 22:09
Stefan_Lang30-Jun-19 22:09 
PraiseRe: HRESULT variable returning negative value Pin
Member 144995631-Jul-19 4:05
Member 144995631-Jul-19 4:05 
GeneralRe: HRESULT variable returning negative value Pin
Stefan_Lang1-Jul-19 21:31
Stefan_Lang1-Jul-19 21:31 
Member 14499563 wrote:
...15 years old (really good) tutorial and [...] Windows 10...

I strongly suspect that this combination is at least part of the problem (also, I think that, indeed, tutorials used to be better in the past - but that is just my subjective impression Wink | ;) )

Unfortunately my knowledge on this topic is no more up to date than this tutorial. I hope you can resolve this anyway.
GOTOs are a bit like wire coat hangers: they tend to breed in the darkness, such that where there once were few, eventually there are many, and the program's architecture collapses beneath them. (Fran Poretto)

GeneralRe: HRESULT variable returning negative value Pin
Member 144995632-Jul-19 6:29
Member 144995632-Jul-19 6:29 
QuestionHook stops application Pin
Mark_G0027-Jun-19 5:34
Mark_G0027-Jun-19 5:34 
AnswerRe: Hook stops application Pin
leon de boer27-Jun-19 7:13
leon de boer27-Jun-19 7:13 
GeneralRe: Hook stops application Pin
Mark_G0028-Jun-19 3:23
Mark_G0028-Jun-19 3:23 
GeneralRe: Hook stops application Pin
Victor Nijegorodov28-Jun-19 4:50
Victor Nijegorodov28-Jun-19 4:50 
GeneralRe: Hook stops application Pin
Mark_G0028-Jun-19 6:41
Mark_G0028-Jun-19 6:41 
GeneralRe: Hook stops application Pin
Victor Nijegorodov28-Jun-19 7:45
Victor Nijegorodov28-Jun-19 7:45 
GeneralRe: Hook stops application Pin
Mark_G0028-Jun-19 9:03
Mark_G0028-Jun-19 9:03 
GeneralRe: Hook stops application Pin
leon de boer28-Jun-19 20:59
leon de boer28-Jun-19 20:59 
GeneralRe: Hook stops application Pin
Mark_G0029-Jun-19 3:36
Mark_G0029-Jun-19 3:36 
QuestionImporting enhanced metafile from ms word to MFC problem Pin
zakomed24-Jun-19 3:55
zakomed24-Jun-19 3:55 
QuestionCStringList on heap Pin
_Flaviu18-Jun-19 23:38
_Flaviu18-Jun-19 23:38 
QuestionRe: CStringList on heap Pin
CPallini19-Jun-19 2:19
mveCPallini19-Jun-19 2:19 
AnswerRe: CStringList on heap Pin
_Flaviu19-Jun-19 19:36
_Flaviu19-Jun-19 19:36 
GeneralRe: CStringList on heap Pin
CPallini20-Jun-19 4:49
mveCPallini20-Jun-19 4:49 
AnswerRe: CStringList on heap Pin
Maximilien19-Jun-19 3:43
Maximilien19-Jun-19 3:43 
GeneralRe: CStringList on heap Pin
_Flaviu19-Jun-19 19:38
_Flaviu19-Jun-19 19:38 

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