That worked. Guess I can get rid of the message or console.log it.
If you have a better idea let me know.
this.model.SubCategoryId = this.productForm.controls["subCategoryId"].value;
this.model.SubCategory = this.ensureKv(this.subCategories.find(sc => sc.Value === this.model.SubCategoryId)).Key;
ensureKv<T>(argument: KeyValue | undefined | null, message: string = "This value was promised to be there."): KeyValue {
if (argument === undefined || argument === null) {
argument = new KeyValue("", "");
return argument;
If it ain't broke don't fix it
Discover my world at jkirkerx.com
.blueback {
.yellowback {
Change CSS Classes
<div id="d1">Hello</div>
<div id="d2">GoodBye</div>
<input type="button" value="Change Color!" onclick="colorchange()">
function colorchange() {
var dd1=document.getElementById(d1);
var dd2=document.getElementById(d2);
dd1.className ="blueback";
dd2.className ="yellowback";
Closing brace on your function is missing. That would definitely cause a problem.
Also, .getElementById() wants a string parameter, sooo...
function colorchange() {
var dd1=document.getElementById('d1');
var dd2=document.getElementById('d2');
dd1.className ="blueback";
dd2.className ="yellowback";
"Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity."
- Hanlon's Razor
Also, your CSS syntax is off:
.blueback {
background-color: lightblue;
.yellowback {
background-color: yellow;
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
Hi all,
I have a
<div class="header-top-outer container-fluid"> , i have imported the css files where these classes exist into my project with a statement
import style from '../css/styles.css'
In my react component when I am trying to reference this div as below in my React component:
<div className={style.footer-outer + ' ' + style.container-fluid}>
it is throwing a compiled error for me:
Line 25: 'outer' is not defined no-undef
Line 25: 'fluid' is not defined no-undef
Line 26: 'outer' is not defined no-undef
Search for the keywords to learn more about each error.
What is the option to avoid these errors? Like what is the way I can reference css classes which have - in them using import reference?
i have tried the following way also, but it didn't work:
<div className={'${style.footer-outer} ${style.container-fluid}'} >
modified 26-Sep-19 17:11pm.
footer-outer is not a valid Javascript identifier. It will be interpreted as (styles.footer) - outer , where the variable outer has not been defined.
I've not used React, but it looks like the CSS loader has an option to convert "kebab-case" class names to "camelCase" identifiers:
GitHub - webpack-contrib/css-loader: CSS Loader[^]
That should let you use:
{style.footerOuter + ' ' + style.containerFluid}
If that doesn't work, try using the indexer on the style object:
{style['footer-outer'] + ' ' + style['container-fluid']}
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
Wonderful, it did work, thanks a lot Richard.
Your variable outer hasn’t been identified.
Hi i am trying, but facing huge difficulties in converting a jQuery MVC app into React Web Api app, can somebody please help me, I though I can easily take all that's there in the convert easily into React but, i have come across lots of difficulties, one such is, importing css styles, and referring multiple css classes (in jQuery they can put multiple css classes in one element, but I am not able to do it in jsx files).
Now I am just thinking, can i just put all those js files into a folder just reference them into my jsx files or components, can somebody please help me in this regards? How can I do it and what difficulties am I going to face, how can I call those methods within js files of jQuery into my jsx components, any help please - I would be very very thankful friends.
I am also trying in my way by googling, reading online, asking friends and colleagues - but if anybody has faced these issues before could be helpful for me - thank you
I don't have much experience with React, for I chose Angular instead. Angular and React are similar in design and sort of the same. Last year, I tried to convert my website which I wrote in .Net Core MVC, Razor, JQuery and Mobirize over to Angular.
I did what you are doing ...
Many of the cool Mobirise effects were written in JQuery, so I thought it would be an easy conversion for me to rewrite these effects from JQuery to Modern JavaScript and include the JS files and call the functions. This conversion would also remove JQuery from my project and I would be JQuery free at last. So I started rewriting JQuery into modern JavaScript and got a few effects working. Then the hammer came down on me; and I realized that the conversions only worked on the first page load. When switching pages, my new effects did not fire or run; because there is no page load when switching pages in Angular. In other words, Dom Ready only exist on the first page load. The Angular router doesn't fire a DOM ready when routing is called. So all this work went out the window and I moved on to CSS.
Next I worked on the cool Mobirise CSS styles, effects and animations. I wanted my project to be free of CSS, and chose SCSS instead, so I translated all of the Mobirise CSS into SCSS one style at a time and tested them and got good results.
So I was finally ready to do a dump of all the old technology and go with the new technology to produce a clean project. I dumped JQuery completely, Went SCSS, and worked on my Webpack, node-sass and build or package.json file. My project was a mess and all the old technology that was removed left me with a basket full of holes or missing things. I fixed or replaced one thing at a time and got 95% of it working.
So what did I learn?
I learned that the old way of how a website works does not apply to technologies such as Angular, React and Vue. It's a totally different way of thinking, which includes how your Models are designed, getting more CRUD like in how you design forms and your API calls, and even down to database document designs. With efficient models, db documents, and even SCSS classes, you can really simplify a project down to the bare bones with very few lines of code and HTML.
Now I have about 16 months experience with Angular V7+, SCSS, Webpack, npm packages, .Net Core V2.3+, modern JavaScript, TypeScript, MongoDB, NodeJS and I get it now. I'm in the process of adding a new store to my website as an experiment to test my skills before I write dedicated store on an enterprise level using React. I'm getting out of software contracting for others and will write my own apps for profit starting next year.
Final Thoughts
I don't think you have enough experience with not just React, but how this new technology works in general. You need to realize that you need to start from the ground up and explore the new possibilities that exist out there with React and dump the old way of doing things. If this CARB project your working on was sold as a React upgrade using the existing database servers and models, your going to be fighting this for years. That's why I was concerned as a California resident and my gas tax money being spent on this.
Check out my website link below, it's the project I'm talking about; my conversion from .Net Core MVC to Angular. And also a database conversion from SQL to Document based. You can GTMetrix the project as well to see the small footprint I created as well with super compression using webpack.
If it ain't broke don't fix it
Discover my world at jkirkerx.com
I too understood that, i need to build the whole front end design from scratch with React. Another thing is, its not that whole project converting from jQuery to React, its a prototype I am trying to make. This project that I am working isn't a live project, its just a small prototype project I am doing now.
Since the React and jQuery operates differently, conversion of jQuery or even using jQuery isn't an option in React, better to build it from the scratch.
This is an with couple of pages for prototype to show how single page App works.
jkirkerx wrote: I'm getting out of software contracting
I am not into Contracting anymore buddy - I am an employee, but this is prototype app. It is not an enterprise app yet, this app isn't launched yet, it seems we need to write it from the scratch.
The reason why I was going in that direction was, it has jQuery libraries which have click etc events written and reading all those and implementing them again I thought may take longer time, but actually if it takes let it, that's what it is.
You know right reading jQuery is like more challenge, that's why mostly these readable front end scripts like React Angular came in. I too did around 6 months of work on Angular, but React is little different than Angular in terms of syntax etc but yes I feel routing was much similar except we need to import rounting explicitly.
Did you use React Web Api app before?
I want to create html seit and call a URL ('.....') and write die result in Browser console ?
how could i do it because i can't get it well
i will be glad for an explanation
You can use AJAX because it sometimes supports other browsers.
Which Grid is Faster than for loading 8000 records?
Please stop reposting this question. We have explained that the only way to compare speeds is to run timings using your own data. And also it is very bad design to put that many records into a grid.
One that only loads the visible records.
Social Media - A platform that makes it easier for the crazies to find each other.
Everyone is born right handed. Only the strongest overcome it.
Fight for left-handed rights and hand equality.
Use your own data to ru the timings.
Hi folks!
PDF-Exchange Editor operates with Mozilla JavaScript Engine is initialized (vJavaScript-C 17.0.4esrpre). I have the option to add a JScript at multiple points in the process (Before Saving, Before Printing, etc.) I just have no idea how to find a sample script because I don't seem to know how to word it. Here's what I'm trying to accomplish.
Before Document Printing: add the file name to the Header (permanently, by the way). PDF-Exchange has what they call Watermarks which I currently use on a manual basis - Dynamic Stamps, too but just to add a date stamp.
Whatever you can think of is fine with me!
Thanks so much!
Did you try another browser?
This product is installed on my work desktop. I don't believe that it would have a browser-related aspect. I am looking to set-up a script inside this program.
Thank you!
hello frinds i want to ask that this question about javascript
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer