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SuggestionRe: Any ideas why gridview is not getting populated with data from the database? Pin
Richard Deeming30-Jan-20 1:02
mveRichard Deeming30-Jan-20 1:02 
GeneralRe: Any ideas why gridview is not getting populated with data from the database? Pin
samflex30-Jan-20 3:58
samflex30-Jan-20 3:58 
GeneralRe: Any ideas why gridview is not getting populated with data from the database? Pin
Richard Deeming30-Jan-20 4:05
mveRichard Deeming30-Jan-20 4:05 
GeneralRe: Any ideas why gridview is not getting populated with data from the database? Pin
samflex30-Jan-20 4:20
samflex30-Jan-20 4:20 
GeneralRe: Any ideas why gridview is not getting populated with data from the database? Pin
Richard Deeming30-Jan-20 4:53
mveRichard Deeming30-Jan-20 4:53 
GeneralRe: Any ideas why gridview is not getting populated with data from the database? Pin
samflex30-Jan-20 5:14
samflex30-Jan-20 5:14 
GeneralRe: Any ideas why gridview is not getting populated with data from the database? Pin
samflex30-Jan-20 5:41
samflex30-Jan-20 5:41 
GeneralRe: Any ideas why gridview is not getting populated with data from the database? Pin
Richard Deeming30-Jan-20 5:47
mveRichard Deeming30-Jan-20 5:47 
There should only be two cases where the status label doesn't have a message:
  1. The txtEmpID control is empty;
  2. The stored procedure returned a row which was neither for this year nor the previous year;

You'll need to debug the code to see which is happening. Perhaps add a different message in the final Else ' Not this year, nor the previous year block.

"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer

GeneralRe: Any ideas why gridview is not getting populated with data from the database? Pin
samflex30-Jan-20 6:45
samflex30-Jan-20 6:45 
GeneralRe: Any ideas why gridview is not getting populated with data from the database? Pin
Richard Deeming30-Jan-20 7:08
mveRichard Deeming30-Jan-20 7:08 
GeneralRe: Any ideas why gridview is not getting populated with data from the database? Pin
samflex30-Jan-20 8:11
samflex30-Jan-20 8:11 
QuestionWriting a client app for OData Pin
simpledeveloper29-Jan-20 7:13
simpledeveloper29-Jan-20 7:13 
QuestionDropdown Filtering in grideview Pin
Member 315525329-Jan-20 4:16
Member 315525329-Jan-20 4:16 
QuestionFiles download fails for ipad and iphone clients Pin
alesanndro28-Jan-20 20:34
alesanndro28-Jan-20 20:34 
AnswerRe: Files download fails for ipad and iphone clients Pin
Nathan Minier29-Jan-20 5:42
professionalNathan Minier29-Jan-20 5:42 
GeneralRe: Files download fails for ipad and iphone clients Pin
alesanndro29-Jan-20 6:51
alesanndro29-Jan-20 6:51 
GeneralRe: Files download fails for ipad and iphone clients Pin
Nathan Minier29-Jan-20 9:28
professionalNathan Minier29-Jan-20 9:28 
GeneralRe: Files download fails for ipad and iphone clients Pin
alesanndro30-Jan-20 1:24
alesanndro30-Jan-20 1:24 
GeneralRe: Files download fails for ipad and iphone clients Pin
Nathan Minier30-Jan-20 6:01
professionalNathan Minier30-Jan-20 6:01 
QuestionProcedure or function 'bla' expects parameter '@OrderNumber', which was not supplied. Pin
Johan Hakkesteegt27-Jan-20 21:50
Johan Hakkesteegt27-Jan-20 21:50 
AnswerRe: Procedure or function 'bla' expects parameter '@OrderNumber', which was not supplied. Pin
F-ES Sitecore27-Jan-20 23:20
professionalF-ES Sitecore27-Jan-20 23:20 
GeneralRe: Procedure or function 'bla' expects parameter '@OrderNumber', which was not supplied. Pin
Johan Hakkesteegt27-Jan-20 23:50
Johan Hakkesteegt27-Jan-20 23:50 
AnswerRe: Procedure or function 'bla' expects parameter '@OrderNumber', which was not supplied. Pin
Richard Deeming28-Jan-20 1:04
mveRichard Deeming28-Jan-20 1:04 
QuestionDisplaying two images but code is for single image Pin
UDTWS27-Jan-20 19:33
UDTWS27-Jan-20 19:33 
QuestionDynamically updating the site with progress bar Pin
iinfoque11127-Jan-20 7:46
iinfoque11127-Jan-20 7:46 

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