1) Whatever ember-control is, I don't use it. I use straight javaScript, no "frameworks".
2) Did you try, as I suggested yesterday, eliminating some of your special characters from your regex expression and see which of them work as expected? You didn't say.
OK - why I send you into this direction: I use php/javaScript/SQL all in the same page, which is often a generated page. It can absolutely not work on the basis of improperly handled nested single and double quotes - which only co-exist on the final page and it's occasionally not what one expects. Unless it sticks out in an obvious way (good luck) I need to roll back parts of the page creation until it works and then I have a point to look for what's not phased correctly.
You are in a similar situation: plain alpha-numeric filtering works. Your entire regex expression, however, does not. Do it piece by piece: only the alpha-numeric and then add one of your special characters. If it works, add another. If it fails - try another (not add to a failed version), which hopefully will now work without the know failure-causing character. For that matter, you may even wish to try just reversing the order of your special characters near the end of your regex expression.
But you've not told me what you have tried to uncover the problem - I want to teach you how to do this; much more valuable than the expression, itself.
Ravings en masse^ |
"The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits." - Albert Einstein | "If you are searching for perfection in others, then you seek disappointment. If you seek perfection in yourself, then you will find failure." - Balboos HaGadol Mar 2010 |
Yes I tried, its the mask value, which I am setting as mask='********************' is not allowing me to enter any special characters, if I remove it, its allowing all the characters and without limit.
Yes my exposure to JavaScript and Frameworks is limited, I am not able to find solution.
If I remove mask='********************', its not only allowing me all characters but unlimited number of characters, even if I try to set the max length property to 20 - need some help, thank you.
Get rid of the template!
In the same function where you use the regex expression to clean the string, get the length of the cleaned string and if it's greater than 20 (or whatever value you like) the send back a "Substring" of length 20 as the value.
Simple as that. No annoying masks to worry about for some so simple as a max-length string constraint. If your string's name is 'mystring'
if( mystring.length > 20)
mystring = mystring.substring(0, 20);
It takes some learning, but all the tools you need are already in javaScript.
Ravings en masse^ |
"The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits." - Albert Einstein | "If you are searching for perfection in others, then you seek disappointment. If you seek perfection in yourself, then you will find failure." - Balboos HaGadol Mar 2010 |
I have a box composed from 5 images placed over each other to create a one picture. So I need to create a pixelated div to make this box pixelated. Because I have 5 images and the color of these images can be changed dynamically so I can't solve this problem using canvas. Any solution, idea, please!!
<div class="tag-container" id="tag-container">
<input type="text" value="" placeholder="Add a tag" id="add-tag-input" />
focusout : function() {
var txt = this.value.replace(/[^a-z0-9\+\-\.\#]/ig,'');
if(txt) $("<span/>", {text:txt.toLowerCase(), appendTo:"#tag-container", class:"dashfolio-tag"});
this.value = "";
keyup : function(ev) {
if(/(188|13)/.test(ev.which)) $(this).focusout();
$('.tag-container').on('click', 'span', function() {
if(confirm("Remove "+ $(this).text() +"?")) $(this).remove();
}); And CSS:
.tag-container {
max-width: 300px;
.dashfolio-tag {
background-color: blue;
padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px;
display: inline-block;
margin-top: 3px;
margin-right: 4px;
padding-right: 20px;
.dashfolio-tag:after {
padding:2px 2px;
#add-tag-input {
margin:6px 6px 6px 0px ;
We are using less, instead of CSS, can you please help in converting the above code into Ember JS
I suggest you describe where you are stuck. Asking someone to do all the work for you will not likely get you any help.
Social Media - A platform that makes it easier for the crazies to find each other.
Everyone is born right handed. Only the strongest overcome it.
Fight for left-handed rights and hand equality.
I did resolve it buddy, here it is:
addTag=(action 'addTag')
removeTagAtIndex=(action 'removeTagAtIndex')
as |tag|
const base = [
{id: 1,name: 'A1'}, {id: 11,name: 'A11'},
{id: 12,name: 'A2'}, {id: 111,name: 'A111'},
{id: 112,name: 'A112'}, {id: 121,name: 'A121'},
{id: 122,name: 'A122'},
{id: 2,name: 'A2'},{id: 3,name: 'A3'},{id: 4,name: 'A4'}
const tree = [
{id: 1, parent:0, level: 'L1'},
{id: 11, parent:1, level: 'L2'},
{id: 111, parent:11, level: 'L3'},
{id: 112, parent:11, level: 'L3'},
{id: 12, parent:1, level: 'L2'},
{id: 121, parent:12, level: 'L3'},
{id: 122, parent:12, level: 'L3'},
i have two object one is base another one is tree. if i pass the 'id=11' it has to remove the [id:11]'s level 'L2' and its top level 'L1' id from the base object and result the remaining values. the below result am expecting
const result = [
{id: 111,name: 'A111'},
{id: 112,name: 'A112'}, {id: 121,name: 'A121'},
{id: 122,name: 'A122'},
{id: 2,name: 'A2'},{id: 3,name: 'A3'},{id: 4,name: 'A4'}
how to achieve this?
modified 5-Sep-20 13:11pm.
Tried so many things and nothing works.
It works in Edge but not in IE, is it possible at all?
Tried a lot of combination as suggested (location.href and window.location.href, replace etc.).
IE settings for redirection were allowed by default.
This was the last try:
window.location.href = "https://google.de";
modified 2-Sep-20 7:25am.
Just setting the location.href or using location.assign should work fine.
location.href = "https://google.de";
location.assign("https://google.de"); Location: href - Web APIs | MDN[^]
Location: assign() - Web APIs | MDN[^]
NB: Call one or the other, not both. And don't call reload afterwards, since that reloads the current page.
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
that's weird. It doesn't work. I tested it in my IE (V 11.1016.18362.0) on my Windows 10 PC.
Could anybody confirm that it works in his IE?
I don't know how else to test it as in my browser.
modified 4-Sep-20 6:28am.
It's solved.
Had an Error Code caused by UrlSearchParam(?!). It prevented the website in IE to run the rest of the code. Thanks all.
I'm executing a function on onclientclick.
function GetUrlPage() {
var pplid = document.getElementById('<%= tbPersonId.ClientID %>').value;
var newwindow = window.open('MXUrl.aspx?PersonId=' + pplid, null,
"Width=475px, Height=500px; top=42px; scrollbars=1; toolbar=0; titlebar=0; menubar=0; status ;");
Nothing happens. If I add an alert("some message"); after the window.open everything works great.
I can only assume it is just blowing thru the code but I don't know how to make it wait.
Don't do much in javascript so am really at a loss. Really appreciate any help you can give me.
Most likely it is scope issue. You create the local variable newwindow inside the function. So as soon as you exit the function that variable is destroyed and its corresponding window with it. Put the variable outside the function so it will exist for as long as it is needed.
Thanks for the reply but unfortunately no luck. I tried setting focus to the new window. Checked for document readystate. Only thing that works is adding an alert after the window.open. What's really baffling is that I have this same exact code in multiple places with the same project and it works flawlessly. Truly at a loss.
Sorry, I cannot offer any suggestions, other than using the debugger to trace what is happening.
I will. Thanks for responding.
I changed the call from Window.open to Response.Redirect and it worked fine. Not what I want to do but the only solution I could find.
That suggests to me that you're trying to open a new window as soon as the current page loads. Most browsers will block popups which aren't launched as the direct result of user interaction - eg when the user clicks a button.
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
Ok, first please have pity/patience with me as I'm just starting to learn coding. I'm following a course on Udemy to learn JS and on one part im not getting the same result as shown on the video- maybe some kind of wrong setting or something. Heres the code:
let car = {
make: "volvo",
speed: 160,
engine: {
size: 2.0,
make: "bmw",
fuel: "petrol",
pistons: [
{ maker: "BMW" },
{ maker: "BMW2" }
I know, simple, like toddler like simple but im just starting out. I open the live preview and i type car and im supposed to get all the details about the nested objects and array but all i get is this:
{make: "volvo", speed: 160, engine: {…}}
Nothing else. Any help?
What do you mean by "all the details about the nested objects"? What output are you expecting? The reason you are seeing what you are seeing is because that's what "car" is, it is all of those properties. If you want to drill down to individual properties then you do that like
and so on.
First thank you so much for replying! I'd buy you a beer if i could. So according to the video the output should be :
engine: Object
fuel: "petrol"
make: "bmw"
pistons: Array [2]
0: Object
1: Object
Length: 2
_proto_: Object
size: 2
_proto_: Object
make: "volvo"
speed: 160
_proto_: Object
and there are little triangles in front of a few of the lines (in front of object, and pistons) to expand to see the details... The output I get has no triangle to expand. Ill try to take a screenshot so you can see what i mean... thanks is advance!
Are you pressing [ENTER] enough times? Seems a bit awkward but when you type "car" it will show you a list of things it thinks are valid with a ghosted preview of the data. When you type "car" then [ENTER] you are confirming "car" as a selection from the auto list. When you press [ENTER] again you are submitting it as a command, and it is then you see the proper representation of the data which will have the clickable arrows.
OMG that was all it was I feel so stupid lol. Thank you so much for your help! You're awesome.