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Answer[abandon] the idea Pin
jkirkerx19-Oct-20 9:29
professionaljkirkerx19-Oct-20 9:29 
AnswerRe: Getting a textbox in another frame Pin
DerekT-P19-Oct-20 9:46
professionalDerekT-P19-Oct-20 9:46 
GeneralRe: Getting a textbox in another frame Pin
jkirkerx19-Oct-20 10:12
professionaljkirkerx19-Oct-20 10:12 
QuestionVirtual populate in JS Pin
adids122123-Sep-20 1:38
adids122123-Sep-20 1:38 
QuestionSetting max length property of masked input control in ember js Pin
simpledeveloper22-Sep-20 5:45
simpledeveloper22-Sep-20 5:45 
AnswerRe: Setting max length property of masked input control in ember js Pin
ZurdoDev22-Sep-20 6:07
professionalZurdoDev22-Sep-20 6:07 
QuestionNeed to mask Alphanumeric values with some special characters allowed Pin
simpledeveloper9-Sep-20 10:02
simpledeveloper9-Sep-20 10:02 
AnswerRe: Need to mask Alphanumeric values with some special characters allowed Pin
W Balboos, GHB11-Sep-20 8:59
W Balboos, GHB11-Sep-20 8:59 
Make life easier for yourself:

Create an onkeyup and onchange event for your input control.
Create the function target for the events
Inside function: use regex (regular expressions) to parse/cleaning 'value' from control.
update control value with result.

You can also handle the length, as well, truncating to whatever size you wish (a function arg?).

A plain javascript function will be useful for more controls - you could avoid the overhead of creating the template.

Ravings en masse^
"The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits." - Albert Einstein
"If you are searching for perfection in others, then you seek disappointment. If you seek perfection in yourself, then you will find failure." - Balboos HaGadol Mar 2010

GeneralRe: Need to mask Alphanumeric values with some special characters allowed Pin
simpledeveloper21-Sep-20 8:14
simpledeveloper21-Sep-20 8:14 
GeneralRe: Need to mask Alphanumeric values with some special characters allowed Pin
W Balboos, GHB21-Sep-20 9:07
W Balboos, GHB21-Sep-20 9:07 
GeneralRe: Need to mask Alphanumeric values with some special characters allowed Pin
simpledeveloper21-Sep-20 9:28
simpledeveloper21-Sep-20 9:28 
GeneralRe: Need to mask Alphanumeric values with some special characters allowed Pin
W Balboos, GHB22-Sep-20 2:27
W Balboos, GHB22-Sep-20 2:27 
GeneralRe: Need to mask Alphanumeric values with some special characters allowed Pin
simpledeveloper22-Sep-20 5:47
simpledeveloper22-Sep-20 5:47 
GeneralRe: Need to mask Alphanumeric values with some special characters allowed Pin
W Balboos, GHB22-Sep-20 5:53
W Balboos, GHB22-Sep-20 5:53 
GeneralPixelated in javascript Pin
Hasan Moussawi8-Sep-20 20:52
Hasan Moussawi8-Sep-20 20:52 
QuestionI have HTML and jQuery as below, I want to convert that into EmberJS Pin
simpledeveloper8-Sep-20 9:44
simpledeveloper8-Sep-20 9:44 
SuggestionRe: I have HTML and jQuery as below, I want to convert that into EmberJS Pin
ZurdoDev9-Sep-20 10:36
professionalZurdoDev9-Sep-20 10:36 
GeneralRe: I have HTML and jQuery as below, I want to convert that into EmberJS Pin
simpledeveloper9-Sep-20 11:47
simpledeveloper9-Sep-20 11:47 
QuestionFilter the JSON object Pin
kasimmohamed5-Sep-20 5:11
kasimmohamed5-Sep-20 5:11 
QuestionHow to redirect in IE 11 Pin
huhuhhuhuh2-Sep-20 1:13
huhuhhuhuh2-Sep-20 1:13 
AnswerRe: How to redirect in IE 11 Pin
Richard Deeming2-Sep-20 2:52
mveRichard Deeming2-Sep-20 2:52 
AnswerRe: How to redirect in IE 11 Pin
huhuhhuhuh3-Sep-20 6:13
huhuhhuhuh3-Sep-20 6:13 
AnswerRe: How to redirect in IE 11 Pin
huhuhhuhuh4-Sep-20 2:33
huhuhhuhuh4-Sep-20 2:33 
AnswerRe: How to redirect in IE 11 Pin
Richard Deeming4-Sep-20 3:15
mveRichard Deeming4-Sep-20 3:15 new window not showing up Pin
Member 1492460727-Aug-20 7:21
Member 1492460727-Aug-20 7:21 

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