Siad the wordline break is invoked only what he tried to resize it i.e. once It has been displayed and user narrows the richedit
If there is way to invoke the wordlinebreak proc before the display that would be helpful
I am not aware of any way you could do this, since there are no words that need breaking until they are displayed. You may need to consider other options, both of which require you to do all the display handling yourself:
1. Make your display a fixed width based on the font you are using and the amount of data you wish to display.
2. Rebuild the entire display whenever the Window is resized.
It may be possible to implement the above by subclassing the RichEdit control, although I have never done that in MFC.
My display is fixed width as it is Courier new I know that exact number of characters in the width of a line (wonder if ShowWindow(SW_HIDE) would drive edit editwordbreakproc)
I am just wondering if there is another way and causes line breaks other than 0x0a, 0x0d, 0x0c
I have to think about this
Hi friends! I am new to c++ and just went through the concept of Namespace.What I have understood about namespace till now is that "it is a region where identifiers can be declared in form of group".
But then I went through the following code somewhere on internet
Namespace identi
int a;
Class S
int z;
float x;
So I am bit confused after seeing the definition of class S inside namespace.isn't it only a declarative region where we can only declare identifiers together in a group or can we define identifiers as well inside it? Just like we did with class S.Kindly someone please answer, would be so nice of you.
the main reason of why we use namespace identifier is classify our code in a bigger categories and parts. its useful to manage your libraries by "using namespaces". Imagine you can have many different name spaces in your code and every time you need you can use it. its helps you to choose smaller and more abstract names for your classes and functions.
for example you can have many Mathematic function and classes in a namespace like "Matrix". in that case you can have simple function names like "add" , "div", "mul" instead of "matrix_add" ,"matrix_dev" and ...
to use them in an specific part of your code you can use it in to ways ..
using Matrix {
also for defining classes and functions in a namespace you can do it like this ...
namespace Matrix {
void add(matrix a, matrix b){
void div(matrix a, matrix b){
void mul(matrix a, matrix b){
It seem like I remember that rich edit used to line break on CR/LF 0x0d + 0X0D now it seems either 0x0a 0x0c (form feed) of 0x0d (carriage return causes) causes a line break
Is there a way to look for a specific version of rich edit I means the class names for 1.0 thru 3.0 the doc says use RICHEDIT_CLASS which loads Riched20.dll
more so I remember that rich edit would only line break on CR AND LF not sure which version as I would like to use that version
here is my wordbreak function
int CALLBACK EditWordBreakProc(LPTSTR lpszEditText, int ichCurrent, int cchEditText, int code)
char FAR* lpCurrentChar;
int nIndex;
int nLastAction;
switch (code)
if (lpszEditText[ichCurrent] == 0x0a0d)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
Here is where I invoke it
fptrx = &EditWordBreakProc;
storagepointer->SendMessage(EM_SETWORDBREAKPROC, 0,(LPARAM) fptrx);
long numstream = storagepointer->StreamIn(SF_TEXT,STORAGESTREAM);
variable definition
funcptrx fptrx;
int CALLBACK EditWordBreakProc(LPTSTR lpszEditText, int ichCurrent, int cchEditText, int code);
typedef int (CALLBACK *funcptrx) (LPTSTR, int, int, int);
I am writing code in standard C for a microcontroller (STM32L) and I compile with GCC. I have a struct that contains a union and the union can be of different size:
struct MyStruct
int someInteger;
int smallMember[1];
int bigMember[1000];
} smallOrBigMember;
}; Is it possible for me to declare an object of MyStruct that only occipies 8 bytes of memory if I only intend to use the smallMember of that object?
No, you cannot. If you need a flexible size structure, the idiomatic solution is to add a zero size array at the end of the structure. Then, presumably, one of the fixed length fields tells you the size of the variable part. Something like this:
struct MyStruct
int small_or_big;
int variable_part[0]; };
struct MyStruct *ptr;
if (ptr->small_or_big == BIG_STRUCT)
ptr->variable_part[999] = some_value; }
When you allocate the structure you have to account for the variable part:
ptr_small = malloc(sizeof(MyStruct) + SIZE_OF_SMALL_PART);
ptr_small->big_or_small = SMALL_STRUCT;
ptr_big = malloc (sizeof(MyStruct) + SIZE_OF_BIG_PART);
ptr_big->big_or_small = BIG_STRUCT;
modified 6-Mar-22 11:10am.
I have been using carriage return 0X0AD line feed 0A to break lines on Rich Edit using SF_TEXT until I noticed some of the data I am trying to Dump contains a 0x0d 0X0A causing an inadvertent line break
is there an another way to break lines
I think what you need to do is find another way to represent the 0xAD data so that it doesn't trigger a line break. Like use a special character to represent it in the data stream that you're loading into the control.
The difficult we do right away...
...the impossible takes slightly longer.
I thought rich edit uses BOTH CR / LF as new line seems different versions Of Richedit now to 4.1 have different methods of line breaking trying to figure which rich edit dll/class version I am running
Write a C++ program that reads a positive integer n, and prints the first
n even numbers.
For example, one execution would look like this:
Please enter a positive integer: 3
File Name
There are three tests each worth 2 points
2.using namespace std;
4.int main()
5. {
6. int n;
7. cout<<"Please enter a positive integer:";
8. cin>>n;
10. cout<<"These are all even numbers in between 1 to "<
Well, looks like good and not complicated exercise. Did you solve it?
Hi it's okay when I run it,but the Autograrder says FAILED.What could be the problem? Should I submit the executable file only.If I rename the executable file as .cpp the Autograder results to errors of 2 .cpp files.What should I do please?
Sorry, I could not understand what you mean...
The code you've posted is not complete, it doesn't compile and it does nothing.
Hi it's okay when I run it,but the Autograrder says FAILED.What could be the problem? Should I submit the executable file only.If I rename the executable file as .cpp the Autograder results to errors of 2 .cpp files.What should I do please?
Please, stop reposting the same!
I've already read it (your post from 1-Mar-22 9:33) And answered!
How do you expect anyone here to answer? We have no idea what the Autograrder is, or what criteria it uses to judge your code. And unless you show the complete code we cannot suggest any changes.
So what's the problem, exactly?
"One man's wage rise is another man's price increase." - Harold Wilson
"Fireproof doesn't mean the fire will never come. It means when the fire comes that you will be able to withstand it." - Michael Simmons
"You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him." - James D. Miles
Is there any doubt? He wants someone to do his work.
The difficult we do right away...
...the impossible takes slightly longer.
int getFactorial(int);
int main(void) {
int n;
printf("Enter n: ");
printf("Factorial of %d is %d", n, getFactorial(n));
return 0;
int getFactorial(int n) {
Christine Belisario wrote: // how to Implement this recursive function Google will find you many explanations of the factorial function. You just need to think about how you could implement it in code.