I'm considering writing an article introducing Raku to this community, but don't see a Raku entry in the list of language tags. So, is such an article not wanted?
I suppose the reason we don't have a language tag is that not a lot of people have written about Raku. As long as your introduction to Raku had elements people couldn't find elsewhere online (or if its entirety is something people can't find online), we would very much welcome that article!
Sean Ewington
Sean, I have read many articles here over the years, and many have been tutorial in nature and quite duplicative, but interesting never-the-less as a refresher. However, frankly, I would like to use a code fragment to introduce and provide some PR for my favorite programming language, Raku.
I suggest it be used as a beginning computer language instead of Python--if for no other reason than it is a C/C++-like language in its use of blocks and semicolons. Plus, it is really easier because the core language is huge and most of the required routines for common use are included without having to memorize all those add-on packages just to read and write a file. I could go on, but I'm sure you get the idea. Oh, one more thing for single-finger "typists": names can be "kebab-case" (e.g., 'my-var; instead of 'my_var').
As a simple but powerful demo of core Raku, determine the day-of-the-week of 2023-12-25 (Christmas):
my Date $d .= Date.new: 2023, 12, 25;
say $d.day-of-week; # OUTPUT: 1 [where the answer is in the range 1..7 (Mon-Sun)]
Tom Browder (@tbrowder on Github and IRC #raku)
Sounds like it could be interesting! Please proceed. If you want to submit an article outline to me or something like that while you're writing, please feel free (sean@codeproject.com).
Sean Ewington
Thank you, Sean, I shall do so.
Can I create a topic section on my own and group my articles under it? For example, I like to group my Direct2D articles under Direct2D section instead of all over the place on My articles page?
I like to do the same thing for my combinatorial articles and "Bring your ..." series of articles.
Best if I can order them because some articles have a reading order or from basics to advanced order.
You made changes to article PE-Format-Illustrated-Part-1 [^] , but it looks like you confused something. Now original text is all gone and your copied the content of some other article inside. This is NOT my text:
I do a lot of cross-platform work passing data between Windows and Android, without the benefit of writing that data to a file or assuming that the data is text (aka strings). Most examples you will find use files and assume text input and output. I'm always working with plain bytes of data. When I was looking to compress and encrypt my data, I had to cobble together bits and pieces from a number of samples that pointed me in the right direction, but never used byte arrays as the input or output. My final code is the contents of this Tip.
Also in another article PE Format Illustrated – Part 2[^] , text is now mine, but you see below I asked for pictures to be clickable so user can see details in Hex-Editor screenshots...
If it helps track this down, that's actually part of a tip (my first) I just published last night.
Be wary of strong drink. It can make you shoot at tax collectors - and miss.
Lazarus Long, "Time Enough For Love" by Robert A. Heinlein
It looks like that while editing someone made the wrong copy-paste. They copied your article over mine.
I reverted back to the old text, couldn't wait for your response, because the article was getting some bad marks. Can you please delete those bad marks, since readers were getting wrong text under that article name.
Apologies this is not a common occurrence.
Unfortunately I don't have the ability to remove votes of 3. But I did my best to counter act them with my own upvote.
Sean Ewington
Hi There,
I would like to bring to your attention 2 of my new articles
Both contain big pictures with a lot of details, so it would be good if you can setup that enlarge-on-click feature so readers can see details if they want.
Hi Mark,
Can you please email me (sean@codeproject.com) the originals, fully sized? I'll take care of it
Sean Ewington
Yes, it will help to increase Audience engagement.
Any suggestion, please let me know, thanks!
Thanks very much for your message. Typically in our articles we're looking for meaty, exhaustively explained solutions to their development problems, or articles that can teach them something to make their developing faster, more efficient, or expand their repertoire.
Here’s an article from one of our top authors:
HTML5 WebWorkers Experiment[^]
His primary goal is to demonstrate “Using HTML5 WebWorkers and a custom jQuery plug-in to create a Flickr image wall.” He treats the reader like a beginner. He defines jQuery, explains what WebWorkers are, then gets into why he wanted to create a jQuery plugin. Each progressive section of the article expands on his topic, thoroughly explains the code, explains the limitations he chose in his scope, discusses how each element to his plug-in works, provides numerous code examples, and most importantly, gives a source code download at the top for the reader should they need it.
Your article was more of an opinion piece, which isn't quite in line with the aforementioned article and our guidelines. for your next article, I recommend choosing a topic where you encounter a problem you couldn't find a solution to anywhere else. A situation where you really had to apply effort beyond your current knowledge base; where you learned something new. Maybe you had to search around the web for a few sources that gave you hints, but not a full solution. Then write an article about what you learned, and the process in which you engaged in learning it, describing each step.
Sean Ewington
I would like to bring to your attention the following article: .NET – 5 Free Decompilers[^]
Please assure that pictures remain full size since most readers have wide monitors and in "fluid" mode they should be able to see the content of images. Please do not shrink them.
Thanks very much for your message. If you email me the originals, I will ensure that the images can be sized up on click.
Sean Ewington
Thanks. It looks OK the way it is now.
my article C# MVVM Toolkit Demo[^]
was updated today but it does not show as an update:
C# MVVM Toolkit Demo
19 May 2022 Updated: 19 May 2022 Rating: 5.00/5 Votes: 9 Popularity: 4.77
Licence: CPOL Views: 15,092 Bookmarked: 30 Downloaded: 1,659
And it does not not appear on latesat articles:
Thursday, February 23, 2023
Programming Languages
Propagation of sound in a room
Read LaterN 23 Feb 2023 by Kenneth Haugland
Calculate sound transmission between a point source and a receiver point within an enclosed space.
Web Development
Sound Builder, Web Audio Synthesizer
Read LaterU 23 Feb 2023 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
In-browser synthesizer creates instruments to be used in musical applications, offers advanced additive and subtractive synthesis techniques
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
Thanks very much for your message. I've tried marking the article as updated, let's see if that works. Should take a few minutes to show up.
Sean Ewington
It worked - thank you very much.
[^]: is there now a forum for early April Fool articles ?
see my vote of #1 comment for other forensic details.Quote: Go to ParentI doesn't obfuscate compiler executable, even .pdb is in. So, it is not a big deal - to de compile it)
It is very possible (to publish s.c.), but only if language will be in demand. Also, source code required some polish I need to be done before I will publish it.
So, short answer is: may be I will open source code repository in future.
«The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled» Plutarch
Thanks for the message. The article has been removed.
Sean Ewington