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Regular Expressions

AnswerRe: learning regex isn't easy :-) Pin
k505418-Sep-23 5:33
mvek505418-Sep-23 5:33 
AnswerRe: learning regex isn't easy :-) Pin
jschell18-Sep-23 5:42
jschell18-Sep-23 5:42 
GeneralRe: learning regex isn't easy :-) Pin
Kardock18-Sep-23 6:07
Kardock18-Sep-23 6:07 
AnswerRe: learning regex isn't easy :-) Pin
trønderen18-Sep-23 6:04
trønderen18-Sep-23 6:04 
AnswerRe: learning regex isn't easy :-) Pin
jschell19-Sep-23 5:29
jschell19-Sep-23 5:29 
QuestionMySQL Select query that chooses something dot something between certain underscores Pin
User 1447141414-Sep-23 6:12
User 1447141414-Sep-23 6:12 
AnswerRe: MySQL Select query that chooses something dot something between certain underscores Pin
RedDk14-Sep-23 6:36
RedDk14-Sep-23 6:36 
GeneralRe: MySQL Select query that chooses something dot something between certain underscores Pin
User 1447141418-Sep-23 4:28
User 1447141418-Sep-23 4:28 
Unfortunately none of them worked at all.

REGEXP_SUBSTR(field_name, '^([a-z0-9]+(-[a-z0-9]+)*\.)+[a-z]{2,}$') immediately timed out (#3699 - Timeout exceeded in regular expression match), and the rest just returned NULL for everything.

Any idea why?
GeneralRe: MySQL Select query that chooses something dot something between certain underscores Pin
RedDk18-Sep-23 7:23
RedDk18-Sep-23 7:23 
GeneralRe: MySQL Select query that chooses something dot something between certain underscores Pin
User 1447141418-Sep-23 23:16
User 1447141418-Sep-23 23:16 
GeneralRe: MySQL Select query that chooses something dot something between certain underscores Pin
Richard MacCutchan19-Sep-23 1:45
mveRichard MacCutchan19-Sep-23 1:45 
GeneralRe: MySQL Select query that chooses something dot something between certain underscores Pin
User 1447141419-Sep-23 4:46
User 1447141419-Sep-23 4:46 
GeneralRe: MySQL Select query that chooses something dot something between certain underscores Pin
Richard MacCutchan19-Sep-23 5:30
mveRichard MacCutchan19-Sep-23 5:30 
GeneralRe: MySQL Select query that chooses something dot something between certain underscores Pin
User 1447141420-Sep-23 2:17
User 1447141420-Sep-23 2:17 
GeneralRe: MySQL Select query that chooses something dot something between certain underscores Pin
Richard MacCutchan20-Sep-23 2:31
mveRichard MacCutchan20-Sep-23 2:31 
GeneralRe: MySQL Select query that chooses something dot something between certain underscores Pin
RedDk21-Sep-23 7:17
RedDk21-Sep-23 7:17 
GeneralRe: MySQL Select query that chooses something dot something between certain underscores Pin
Richard MacCutchan21-Sep-23 23:07
mveRichard MacCutchan21-Sep-23 23:07 
GeneralRe: MySQL Select query that chooses something dot something between certain underscores Pin
RedDk22-Sep-23 9:44
RedDk22-Sep-23 9:44 
GeneralRe: MySQL Select query that chooses something dot something between certain underscores Pin
RedDk19-Sep-23 8:17
RedDk19-Sep-23 8:17 
GeneralRe: MySQL Select query that chooses something dot something between certain underscores Pin
Richard MacCutchan19-Sep-23 22:09
mveRichard MacCutchan19-Sep-23 22:09 
AnswerRe: MySQL Select query that chooses something dot something between certain underscores Pin
jschell14-Sep-23 10:55
jschell14-Sep-23 10:55 
QuestionExclude already masked data in regex Pin
NathanAsh25-Aug-23 11:14
NathanAsh25-Aug-23 11:14 
AnswerRe: Exclude already masked data in regex Pin
Terry R 202325-Aug-23 12:48
Terry R 202325-Aug-23 12:48 
GeneralRe: Exclude already masked data in regex Pin
NathanAsh28-Aug-23 5:32
NathanAsh28-Aug-23 5:32 
QuestionRegEx remove duplicate need help Pin
manoo885-Aug-23 13:04
manoo885-Aug-23 13:04 

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