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Regular Expressions

GeneralRe: Exclude Uppercase for conjoined names Pin
OriginalGriff12-Oct-23 1:02
mveOriginalGriff12-Oct-23 1:02 
Questionlearning regex isn't easy :-) Pin
Kardock18-Sep-23 4:22
Kardock18-Sep-23 4:22 
AnswerRe: learning regex isn't easy :-) Pin
Richard Deeming18-Sep-23 5:02
mveRichard Deeming18-Sep-23 5:02 
AnswerRe: learning regex isn't easy :-) Pin
k505418-Sep-23 5:33
mvek505418-Sep-23 5:33 
AnswerRe: learning regex isn't easy :-) Pin
jschell18-Sep-23 5:42
jschell18-Sep-23 5:42 
GeneralRe: learning regex isn't easy :-) Pin
Kardock18-Sep-23 6:07
Kardock18-Sep-23 6:07 
AnswerRe: learning regex isn't easy :-) Pin
trønderen18-Sep-23 6:04
trønderen18-Sep-23 6:04 
AnswerRe: learning regex isn't easy :-) Pin
jschell19-Sep-23 5:29
jschell19-Sep-23 5:29 
So given that you just want to mess around with regex.

Kardock wrote:
but it fails.

Presumably you mean it runs but it does not successfully match.

The problem is '\w' is not an expression that could ever match an email. So you need to look up what it does match.

The other problem that you will find is that attempting to actually match a valid email is very difficult. The regex to do it is about 1000 characters long. You can google that both to see what a long regex looks like and to educate yourself what a 'valid' email actually is. (I do it every couple of years to remind myself especially when someone says they want to 'validate' an email.)

However you don't need to match an email. What you need to match is the fourth value in the list. So the way to match that is the following


You should probably in fact match all of the columns that way.

So you should study that expression to figure out what it does. And then answer for yourself why the other posters comment about embedded semi-colons being a problem.
QuestionMySQL Select query that chooses something dot something between certain underscores Pin
User 1447141414-Sep-23 6:12
User 1447141414-Sep-23 6:12 
AnswerRe: MySQL Select query that chooses something dot something between certain underscores Pin
RedDk14-Sep-23 6:36
RedDk14-Sep-23 6:36 
GeneralRe: MySQL Select query that chooses something dot something between certain underscores Pin
User 1447141418-Sep-23 4:28
User 1447141418-Sep-23 4:28 
GeneralRe: MySQL Select query that chooses something dot something between certain underscores Pin
RedDk18-Sep-23 7:23
RedDk18-Sep-23 7:23 
GeneralRe: MySQL Select query that chooses something dot something between certain underscores Pin
User 1447141418-Sep-23 23:16
User 1447141418-Sep-23 23:16 
GeneralRe: MySQL Select query that chooses something dot something between certain underscores Pin
Richard MacCutchan19-Sep-23 1:45
mveRichard MacCutchan19-Sep-23 1:45 
GeneralRe: MySQL Select query that chooses something dot something between certain underscores Pin
User 1447141419-Sep-23 4:46
User 1447141419-Sep-23 4:46 
GeneralRe: MySQL Select query that chooses something dot something between certain underscores Pin
Richard MacCutchan19-Sep-23 5:30
mveRichard MacCutchan19-Sep-23 5:30 
GeneralRe: MySQL Select query that chooses something dot something between certain underscores Pin
User 1447141420-Sep-23 2:17
User 1447141420-Sep-23 2:17 
GeneralRe: MySQL Select query that chooses something dot something between certain underscores Pin
Richard MacCutchan20-Sep-23 2:31
mveRichard MacCutchan20-Sep-23 2:31 
GeneralRe: MySQL Select query that chooses something dot something between certain underscores Pin
RedDk21-Sep-23 7:17
RedDk21-Sep-23 7:17 
GeneralRe: MySQL Select query that chooses something dot something between certain underscores Pin
Richard MacCutchan21-Sep-23 23:07
mveRichard MacCutchan21-Sep-23 23:07 
GeneralRe: MySQL Select query that chooses something dot something between certain underscores Pin
RedDk22-Sep-23 9:44
RedDk22-Sep-23 9:44 
GeneralRe: MySQL Select query that chooses something dot something between certain underscores Pin
RedDk19-Sep-23 8:17
RedDk19-Sep-23 8:17 
GeneralRe: MySQL Select query that chooses something dot something between certain underscores Pin
Richard MacCutchan19-Sep-23 22:09
mveRichard MacCutchan19-Sep-23 22:09 
AnswerRe: MySQL Select query that chooses something dot something between certain underscores Pin
jschell14-Sep-23 10:55
jschell14-Sep-23 10:55 
QuestionExclude already masked data in regex Pin
NathanAsh25-Aug-23 11:14
NathanAsh25-Aug-23 11:14 

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