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GeneralRe: C# - Multidimensionnal array of pointers Pin
Heath Stewart18-Jan-04 11:49
protectorHeath Stewart18-Jan-04 11:49 
GeneralRe: C# - Multidimensionnal array of pointers Pin
Orahn18-Jan-04 18:58
Orahn18-Jan-04 18:58 
GeneralRe: C# - Multidimensionnal array of pointers Pin
pat2918-Jan-04 18:58
pat2918-Jan-04 18:58 
GeneralExecuteNonQuery() problem in C# Pin
Qamarwis18-Jan-04 5:10
Qamarwis18-Jan-04 5:10 
GeneralRe: ExecuteNonQuery() problem in C# Pin
Nick Parker18-Jan-04 5:39
protectorNick Parker18-Jan-04 5:39 
GeneralRe: ExecuteNonQuery() problem in C# Pin
Guillermo Rivero18-Jan-04 6:58
Guillermo Rivero18-Jan-04 6:58 
GeneralRe: ExecuteNonQuery() problem in C# Pin
india_nagpur118-Jan-04 20:04
india_nagpur118-Jan-04 20:04 
GeneralCustomCollection + Auto code generation in designer Pin
James Simpson18-Jan-04 3:05
James Simpson18-Jan-04 3:05 
Hi Everyone,

I have a problem with a set of components I am creating. Basically I have the following:

Menu : Component<br />
    MenuItemCollection : CollectionBase<br />
        MenuItem : Component


The Menu and MenuItems contain a MenuItemCollection with the following attributes against it

DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content), Editor(typeof(Design.MenuItemCollectionDesigner), typeof(System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor))

The designer opens a new form which adds/removes the menu items into the menu/menuitem in a tree style ui.

The items get added ok and are correctly written the InitializeComponent function on the form. The first problem is the fact that the designer does not write out the AddRange call for each MenuItemCollection so the menu items never get added to the collection.

The second problem (the first problem also occured before I introduced this one!) I dont want the menu items to be visible at designtime in the pane on the bottom of the desiger so I added:

[DesignTimeVisible(false), ToolboxItem(false)]

I cant figure out how to delete the items from the code when the parent menu is removed?

I have googled till my fingers bleed, I have seen other peoples similar problems but not really any answer to whats going on with the AddRange method.

One thing I did notice - I Have a custom grid with a custom column collection, the AddRange member for that also stopped working, it did work at 1 point during development, but now both controls dont write out the AddRagne command.

Can anyone help me?

Thanks - James

James Simpson
Web Developer

P S - This is what part of the alphabet would look like if Q and R were eliminated
Mitch Hedberg

GeneralRe: CustomCollection + Auto code generation in designer Pin
Heath Stewart18-Jan-04 11:45
protectorHeath Stewart18-Jan-04 11:45 
GeneralRe: CustomCollection + Auto code generation in designer Pin
James Simpson18-Jan-04 11:50
James Simpson18-Jan-04 11:50 Pin
Roger Alsing18-Jan-04 1:30
Roger Alsing18-Jan-04 1:30 
GeneralRe: Pin
Arjan Einbu18-Jan-04 4:10
Arjan Einbu18-Jan-04 4:10 
GeneralRe: Pin
Heath Stewart18-Jan-04 11:31
protectorHeath Stewart18-Jan-04 11:31 
Generalcreating a dll with win32 functions, and calling it from C# Pin
misterbear17-Jan-04 23:52
misterbear17-Jan-04 23:52 
GeneralRe: creating a dll with win32 functions, and calling it from C# Pin
Nick Parker18-Jan-04 5:47
protectorNick Parker18-Jan-04 5:47 
GeneralRe: creating a dll with win32 functions, and calling it from C# Pin
leppie18-Jan-04 6:15
leppie18-Jan-04 6:15 
GeneralRe: creating a dll with win32 functions, and calling it from C# Pin
Heath Stewart18-Jan-04 11:24
protectorHeath Stewart18-Jan-04 11:24 
GeneralRe: creating a dll with win32 functions, and calling it from C# Pin
misterbear20-Jan-04 6:51
misterbear20-Jan-04 6:51 
GeneralRe: creating a dll with win32 functions, and calling it from C# Pin
Heath Stewart20-Jan-04 8:24
protectorHeath Stewart20-Jan-04 8:24 
GeneralWeb Service Question Pin
Mazdak17-Jan-04 20:25
Mazdak17-Jan-04 20:25 
GeneralRe: Web Service Question Pin
Heath Stewart18-Jan-04 11:19
protectorHeath Stewart18-Jan-04 11:19 
GeneralTesting Distributed Applications Pin
Mohamad Al Husseiny17-Jan-04 19:26
Mohamad Al Husseiny17-Jan-04 19:26 
GeneralRe: Testing Distributed Applications Pin
Heath Stewart18-Jan-04 11:17
protectorHeath Stewart18-Jan-04 11:17 
GeneralRe: Testing Distributed Applications Pin
Mohamad Al Husseiny18-Jan-04 15:08
Mohamad Al Husseiny18-Jan-04 15:08 
GeneralRe: Testing Distributed Applications Pin
Heath Stewart19-Jan-04 3:02
protectorHeath Stewart19-Jan-04 3:02 

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