Windows 10

A new report indicates that the majority of users are continuing to use the Windows 10 April 2018 Update rather than upgrading to the latest October 2018 update.

Using 5,000 Microsoft Store apps that are utilize the AdDuplex SDK ad framework, AdDuplex surveyed approximately 100,000 PCs on April 26th to determine what version of Windows they were running.

From the data collected, it showed that 63.2% of the users are running Windows 10 April 2018 Update (version 1803), 29.3% are using Windows 10 October 2018 Update (version 1809), 3.5% are using the Creators Update or older, 3.3% are using the Fall Creators Update (version 1709), and 0.8% are using 19H1 Windows Insider builds (version 1903).

Windows 10 version market share
Windows 10 version market share

While October 2018 Update is probably not being adopted as quickly as Microsoft would like, AdDuplex did notice that its usage had increased by 3% since it was last surveyed in March.

It is not known if this version is simply being avoided by users due to the wide ranging issues that it had on release, if Microsoft is still blocking a good portion of users from receiving it due to compatibility issues, or because businesses are performing longer testing intervals.

While this sampling is not representative of the entire Windows 10 install base, with 100,000 PCs surveyed, it does show an interesting trend that users are not upgrading to version 1809 even though it has been available for over 6 months.

With the May 2019 Update (version 1903) slated to be released soon, it will be interesting to see if users skip 1809 altogether and just update to the latest version.

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