Hello all,
In our machines sometimes we use Windows CE computers to control them.
In order to connect a machine that's at our customer place to our LAN to monitor it, update the program remotely... I'm creating manually a new connection:
START >> Control panel >> Network and dialup connections >> Make new connection
Reached that point I make the settings:
Selecting Virtual Private Network PPTP, using our public IP address as Host name, setting the security settings...
My question comes here:
I don't have a visual c++ application running in most of the machines only an internal and very basic system from the controller manufacturer.
In that system I can manage to modify windows registry settings.
I'd like to know where the remote IP address is stored in the registry to be able to modify it if needed. I wouldn't like to change our ISP (therefore getting a public IP change) and get all the systems out there stucked without the possibility to update that address.
Is there any possibility to update that remote address (our public IP) without creating another remote connection? (a registry setting or a simple command line is what I'm searching for). I would like to avoid giving the user access to the Windows CE controller.
Thank you in advance!