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Select Values from a dataset into anothr dataset

Revision 1
Hi all,
I have a dataset which binds data to the Gridview in my page. I have check boxes to it. Whe i click a button in my page i need to bind the selected rows in my gridview into another dataset or into another datatable.pls help how to do it.. i have attached my code with this...

pls help with necessary changes in my code...
 public void fillgrid()
     string connString = "Data Source=shipchn111\\sqlexpress;Initial Catalog=ISSUsers;User=sa;Password=Password1;Integrated Security=false";
     string sqlQuery = "SELECT Employee_ID,Employee_Name,Employee_Country,Age,Contact_Number,Employee_Mail,DateOfJoining,Department_ID,Manager,Salary FROM ISSEmployees  ORDER BY Employee_Country";   //where Employee_ID=100
     getResultSet(connString, sqlQuery);
     gridISSControl.DataSource = dsResultTable;

 public DataSet getResultSet(string connectionString, string sqlSentence) //Get dataset for Grid
         string connString = connectionString;
         string sqlQuery = sqlSentence;
         dsResultTable = new DataSet();
         dt = new DataTable();
         SqlCommand SqlCmdObject = new SqlCommand(sqlQuery, SqlConObject);
         SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(SqlCmdObject);
     catch (Exception e)
         lblError.Text = e.Message;
     return dsResultTable;

public void CreateDatatableofSelectedRows() //Get Employee ID's
     ArrayList names = new ArrayList();
     foreach (GridViewRow gvr in this.gridISSControl.Rows)
         if (((System.Web.UI.WebControls.CheckBox)gvr.FindControl("chkSelect")).Checked == true)

     this.lblError.Text = string.Empty;
     foreach (object itm in names)
         //Create another  datatable here if possible..!!!!
Posted 5-Oct-12 0:42am by ajithk444.