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Blog FAQ

RSS feed icon CodeProject now allows you to publish articles through your current blog. Simply submit your blog feed's URL, mark the Technical Blog entries you wish to have published as articles, and we'll do the rest.

  1. Why have your Technical Blog consumed by CodeProject?

    Mostly because we see some incredibly well written and valuable technical blogs being lost in the vastness of the web. This is a travesty and has to stop. Give your blogs the exposure they deserve. Other reasons for you include:

    • We want to make it easier for you to submit your ideas to CodeProject.
    • It can be a lot of work to create a well thought out article. Some of you have likely put a lot of this effort into your blog so we're saving you the trouble of having to manually publish in two places.
    • You can increase your audience and traffic back to your blog.
    • Your blog will get to use all the functionality of CodeProject - discussion boards, ratings, search engine exposure, bookmarks, competitions and more.

  2. What is a blog feed?

    A blog feed is an RSS feed that you've registered with us. We will consume entries in this feed that you've marked with the special CodeProject keyword as a Technical Blog article.

  3. What is a Technical Blog article and how does it differ from regular articles?

    A Technical Blog article is presented the same as any other article submitted by a member. It can be rated, edited, searched, has comments and you are its author. It's everywhere you would normally see "hand written" articles. The big difference is that it is created automatically from blog entries in your RSS feed.

  4. How can I submit my blog?

    Simply go to this page and submit your feed's URL!

  5. Can I submit multiple blog feeds?

    Absolutely! But we ask that you only submit feeds that you have ownership of. If you have suggestions on blogs you would like seen here please contact us. We can reach out to the author and ask for their permission.

  6. How do I specify which blog entries in my feed will be consumed?

    There are three ways you can mark your blog entries to be consumed:

    • Place the keyword CodeProject within the <category> element that is the direct child of <channel>. This marks all items within the channel as consumable.
    • Place the CodeProject keyword within the <category> element that is the direct child of an <item>. This marks just the one item as consumable.
    • Leverage the Rel-Tag Microformat. Check out the links if you've never heard of them. It's really simple. All you need to do is place an anchor tag somewhere in you blog article's content. E.g.:

      <a href="" rel="tag">CodeProject</a>

      If you don't want this link visible just use a style to hide it (e.g. style="display:none") – we'll still pick it up.

      The URL in the anchor can be any URL you like but we thought it would be useful to point to your blog articles page here on CodeProject:<your member id>

    Note that there is a minimum length of 1000 characters for blog entries (excluding HTML). Any entries under this length will not be consumed.

    Administrators and staff are able to consume all blog entries in a feed regardless of the marker tag. If you don't have access to your RSS feed and are unable to mark them with CodeProject you may request that we turn this feature on for you.

  7. Are formats other than RSS supported?

    Not at the moment but if there is demand for this we will consider adding support.

  8. How often does content get pulled down from my blog?

    Typically on a nightly basis.

  9. Will I have as great an audience with blog articles as with regular articles?

    Yes. Everywhere you currently see regular "hand-written" articles, Technical Blog articles will also be visible. Pages that list articles will have an option to filter out Technical Blog articles however. Though the default is to list all article types.

  10. Do you support <content:encoded>?

    Yes. If we find this element in your feed it will be taken as the article's content. Which means the <description> element will then be used only for the article description. If there is no <content:encoded> element we use <description> as article description and content.

  11. What is 'LastPolled' and how does it differ from 'LastUpdated'?

    The 'Last Polled' column indicates when your RSS feed was last polled for new content. A date/time here indicates that your feed URL is valid and was successfully read. Conversely, if you see 'Never' this means either your URL was not reachable or does not contain a valid RSS feed.

    The 'Last Updated' column indicates when new content last aggregated as articles. If you see 'Never' this means no articles have ever been created from your RSS feed.