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1. object.Attributes.add() Method
Hi Angel,Server controls like Button and label have properties (attributes) like runat, id, name, style.Ex : here, id, runat, style and Text are the attribute, which means that attributes of the controls can be set at design time or runtime.I hope this would help...
Web Development » ASP.NET »
Jitendra Zaa Updated: 9 Nov 2010
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (1 vote))
2. how to get if combobox selected item is null with javascript?
Hi Amit,Please look into this article.[^]I hope this would help you.
Web Development » ASP.NET »
Jitendra Zaa Updated: 9 Nov 2010
Rating: 1.00/5 ( (1 vote))
3. meaning of this code please
Hi,Is code you are trying to access the "RM" object which is declared in code behind.Regards,Jitendra
Web Development » ASP.NET »
Jitendra Zaa Updated: 27 Sep 2010
Rating: 2.00/5 ( (1 vote))

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4. Real world examples of abstract classes and interfaces?
Please check below Site, i think it will help.[^]
.NET » »
Jitendra Zaa Updated: 15 Sep 2010
Rating: 4.43/5 ( (5 votes))

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5. Log4net RollingFileAppender not working
Hi,Log4net is working fine in my windows application but whenever I use same config in Windows service, Rollingappender does not work.All logs are written in same file. If you know some thing about this behavior then please reply.Find the config setting:
Jitendra Zaa Updated: 7 Sep 2010
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6. Javascript function doesn't work in Firefox
Check below article.[^]I hope this will work.Regards,Jitendra Zaa
Web Development » ASP.NET »
Jitendra Zaa Updated: 20 Aug 2010
Rating: ( (No votes))
7. to get the start date and end date of last 15 days
Hi Niraj,If you are loooking for SQL then you can check this tutorial.[^]And in case of C# or VB you can simply use logical operators.If you want exact code then reply to this thread, I will try to help...
Web Development » ASP.NET »
Jitendra Zaa Updated: 20 Aug 2010
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8. Error when I am making site online and on local there is no error
i will suggest to read this post.[^]it may solve your problem
Web Development » ASP.NET »
Jitendra Zaa Updated: 5 Jul 2010
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9. Menu in ASP.Net using javascript and css not by menu control of
Hi,Please Check this site.[^]Regards,Jitendra Zaa
Web Development » CSS »
Jitendra Zaa Updated: 17 Jun 2010
Rating: ( (No votes))
10. How to store/maintain chat messages from multiple users
Hi Narsimlu,I will suggest you to ask this question in articles FAQ.Chating in using Ajax (Pop-up windows)[^]
Web Development » ASP.NET »
Jitendra Zaa Updated: 17 Jun 2010
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (1 vote))
11. How to display the images in using C#?
Hi In Grid View you can add Template Column, in which there would be Image.In Item Data Bound event check for the M or F and depending on that, Set the Image Path.You can take the reference of below articles:Paging, Selecting, Deleting, and Editing in the ASP.NET 2.0 GridView Control...
Web Development » ASP.NET »
Jitendra Zaa Updated: 17 Jun 2010
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