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1. VB.NET - Change font size to fit all text in a RichTextBox
Using VB.NET's RichTextBox and fitting all text into the box
Programming Languages » Visual Basic »
VyReN Updated: 19 Dec 2010
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (4 votes))
2. Send/Receive SMS
You're going to need a ETSI 07.05 compliant modem or serial connected phone and this API:[^]Done it, works great - but you can't just magically connect your phone and PC, you need the correct hardware.
Programming Languages » Visual Basic »
VyReN Updated: 11 Dec 2010
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (1 vote))
3. VB.NET - Autosize font to fit multiline textbox
Got it! Kschuler, you pointed me in the right direction!Here is a quick sloppy sample I created, when the Button is clicked, the Rich Text Box is adjusted to fill the entire box.Public Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowLongA" (ByVal hwnd As IntPtr, ByVal nIndex...
Programming Languages » Visual Basic »
VyReN Updated: 7 Dec 2010
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (2 votes))
4. VB.NET - Autosize font to fit multiline textbox
Greetings -- Have been looking around for an answer for a long time without luck. VB.NET 2010 - I am looking to take a string from a database (No newlines, but may in the future) and display the text in a multiline textbox with wordwrapping and have the text's font size adjust to ensure all...
Programming Languages » Visual Basic »
VyReN Updated: 4 Dec 2010
Rating: ( (No votes))