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1. From C++ to Python: Get Closer
A quick python course for C++ developers
Programming Languages » Python »
Michael Chourdakis Updated: 3 Jul 2024
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (8 votes))

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2. Machine Learning for C++ developers - the hard way: DirectML
An introduction to machine learning with working C++ code that trains a linear regression model.
Artificial Intelligence » Machine Learning »
Michael Chourdakis Updated: 18 Apr 2024
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (8 votes))
3. ScreenCapture: Single Header DirectX Library with HDR ability
DirectX hardware screen capture and encoding with audio mixing capabilities. H264/H265/VP80/VP90/FLAC/MP3. HDR supported.
Desktop Programming » Win32 »
Michael Chourdakis Updated: 20 Mar 2024
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (18 votes))

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4. The Guide to WinUI3 for a C++ Win32 Programmer
Easily migrate to WinUI3 from plain Win32 while keeping all Win32 features intact
Desktop Programming » Win32 »
Michael Chourdakis Updated: 1 Feb 2024
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (5 votes))
5. Convert a Win32 Project to WinUI3 Automatically
A set of tools to create a new VCXPROJ file automatically
Desktop Programming » XAML »
Michael Chourdakis Updated: 20 Jan 2024
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (3 votes))

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6. cngsha3: A Cryptography Next Generation Implementation of Newer Algorithms
Use SHA-3 and the CRYSTALS Kyber, Dilithium and Sphincs in Win32 projects
Security » Cryptography »
Michael Chourdakis Updated: 13 Aug 2023
Rating: 4.68/5 ( (7 votes))
7. FingerPrintf: A Small Library for Quick Usage of the Biometric API, Fingerprint and Camera
Use your sensors for identification and verification
Desktop Programming » Win32 »
Michael Chourdakis Updated: 18 Jun 2023
Rating: 4.86/5 ( (20 votes))
8. WinUI3 in Existing Win32 Applications
How to use the WinUI3 controls in a plain Win32 application without packaging
Desktop Programming » XAML »
Michael Chourdakis Updated: 6 May 2023
Rating: 4.95/5 ( (18 votes))

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9. Running a Standalone PHP App in Windows
Portable nginx+php+mysql inside Windows
Web Development » HTML »
Michael Chourdakis Updated: 19 Mar 2023
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (3 votes))

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10. ChatGPT-API for Windows: Use ChatGPT in your Windows Applications
Quicky generate text and images
Artificial Intelligence » ChatGPT »
Michael Chourdakis Updated: 2 Mar 2023
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (16 votes))

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11. N: An Experimental Multithreaded bignum Library for Windows
This class allows math between any size big number, as long as your available memory can handle it.
Michael Chourdakis Updated: 6 Sep 2022
Rating: 4.85/5 ( (20 votes))
12. N: A C++ bignum Header-only Library with Thread Support and Static Memory Usage Support
A quick implementation of my ideas
Michael Chourdakis Updated: 4 Sep 2022
Rating: 4.50/5 ( (2 votes))

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