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61. Retrieving user specifi information using session
For Database use below URL[^]and for SessionExploring Session in ASP.Net[^]
Web Development » ASP.NET »
Jitendra Zaa Updated: 11 May 2010
Rating: 4.33/5 ( (3 votes))
62. Retrieving user specifi information using session
Hi aswathy,What exactly you want to know ?How to store the data in session or how to retrieve data from DB?
Web Development » ASP.NET »
Jitendra Zaa Updated: 11 May 2010
Rating: 3.00/5 ( (3 votes))
63. Focus on AJAX tabs
Hi qasimidl,In parent page, write on javascript function which will set focus on that tab. and on the close event of window call the javascript of parent page.Javascript in parent page :function Fn1(){ // Your code here}Javascript in child window:window.opener.Fn1();
Web Development » ASP.NET »
Jitendra Zaa Updated: 11 May 2010
Rating: 3.00/5 ( (1 vote))
64. Reading filenames from database, displaying in data grid and downloading to hard disk or opening in web browser
Hi,You can use repeater control.In repeater control you can place labels or hyperlink.And on databind event find control and display file name coming from database and on click event call javascript which will open one hidden DIV tag, which should have the options as you specified.If i...
Web Development » ASP.NET »
Jitendra Zaa Updated: 11 May 2010
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (1 vote))
65. What is difference between System.Diagnostics.Trace and TraceContext
Hi Friends,I have searched the net, forum msdn sites but not able to get exact difference in System.Diagnostics.Trace and TraceContext.I had tried below code in my application : Trace.Write("This is Tracing"); System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceError("Error in first...
Web Development » ASP.NET »
Jitendra Zaa Updated: 7 May 2010
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (1 vote))

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66. Create JSON from C# using JSON Library
Create JSON from C# using JSON library available at CodePlex
Programming Languages » Javascript »
Jitendra Zaa Updated: 6 May 2010
Rating: 4.66/5 ( (20 votes))

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67. Face detection and morphing in C#,
Check this URL, i hope it will help you.Face Detection in C#[^]Regards,Jitendra Zaa
Web Development » ASP.NET »
Jitendra Zaa Updated: 4 May 2010
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (3 votes))

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68. how to configure MYSQL Query Browser
Hi,In QUery browser set the server name, port 3306 normally. all the database available on your server will be displayed. then you can write your query in query browser and run using F5.If you require more help i can send you step by step guide. do let me know.
Jitendra Zaa Updated: 20 Apr 2010
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (2 votes))
69. Pls tell me how C# project run on server ..
Hi Mohit try to create the MSI of your application. Create new project of type setup and install that. i hope that will solve your problem.
Web Development » ASP.NET »
Jitendra Zaa Updated: 20 Apr 2010
Rating: ( (No votes))
70. modal popup control
Hi,on page reload, try to clear the message of modal popup. actually it saves the viewstate so next time when you click on the same control it displays the previous message.
Web Development » ASP.NET »
Jitendra Zaa Updated: 20 Apr 2010
Rating: ( (No votes))
71. doubt in sql query
try using thisselect id from user1 where Fullname like '%K.Ajay%'
Database Development » SQL Server »
Jitendra Zaa Updated: 20 Apr 2010
Rating: ( (No votes))

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