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If you mean how can you make your web pages display in Urdu then...The .NET runtime checks the System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture property when deciding what resource file to use.An example of setting an aspx page's culture can be found hereAfter you've set the...
Programming Languages » Visual Basic »
Nathan St Updated: 7 Oct 2010
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (1 vote))
22. HttpWebRequest POST doesnt load entire site
Looking over it quickly, it could be because you don't close the PostData stream until after you call request.GetResponse();try this:request.Method = "POST";request.ContentLength = buffer.Length;Stream PostData = request.GetRequestStream();PostData.Write(buffer, 0,...
Forth.NET » »
Nathan St Updated: 7 Oct 2010
Rating: ( (No votes))
23. Render method error in reporting
I believe the URL for the ReportExecutionService is http:///ReportServer/ReportExecutionService.asmxThat's probably your problem :)
Reporting » »
Nathan St Updated: 7 Oct 2010
Rating: ( (No votes))
24. log in page expired
You can change the forms authentication timeout as outlined in this article :)
Web Development » ASP.NET »
Nathan St Updated: 7 Oct 2010
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (1 vote))

» »
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25. Autogenerate mail from
Something like this: :-D string strFrom = "";string strTo = "";string strSubject = "subject";string strBody = "hello there";string mailHost = "mail server name"; using (System.Net.Mail.MailMessage msg = new System.Net.Mail.MailMessage()) ...
Web Development » ASP.NET »
Nathan St Updated: 7 Oct 2010
Rating: ( (No votes))

» »
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26. how to avoid space in textbox
Is this what you meant?protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e){ // this will remove any spaces after the contents of the text box have been submitted to the server. string nospaces = myTextBox.Text.Trim(); ... do something with the trimmed string ...}
Programming Languages » Visual Basic »
Nathan St Updated: 7 Oct 2010
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (1 vote))
27. ProcessStart Info not zipping the right file
Why don't you just use System.IO.Compression.GZipStream instead of depending on WinZip?Here's a handy article :)
Nathan St Updated: 7 Oct 2010
Rating: ( (No votes))
28. how to call my database so that i can see it to my webpage
You should probably try searching for something like "php phpmyadmin database tutorial" and reading up about things that way - your question is too vague to get a useful reply here I think. ;)
Nathan St Updated: 7 Oct 2010
Rating: ( (No votes))
29. YaCy P2P Search Sample in C#
A C# sample of how to query a YaCy peer.
Nathan St Updated: 10 Sep 2010
Rating: 4.38/5 ( (8 votes))
30. Crystal Report
Ouch... crystal reports sucks. From what i remember last time I had to look at that, there's a few serious gotchas - like if you don't dispose certain objects properly then there are memory leaks etc... as to your question, it sounds like the target hasn't been set perhaps?
Programming Languages » C# 3.5 »
Nathan St Updated: 19 Aug 2010
Rating: ( (No votes))
31. How to place form over another form?
do you mean a modal dialog? :)
Nathan St Updated: 19 Aug 2010
Rating: 3.00/5 ( (1 vote))
32. Gps Coordinates(Parsing a Xml file in c#)
Is it the navigation of your xml that's causing you trouble? The code you've linked seems to be able to work out a distance and add new rows to your response table, so I'm guessing that querying your xml is your problem. If that's the case, then System.Xml.XmlDocument.SelectNodes is the...
General Programming » File »
Nathan St Updated: 19 Aug 2010
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (1 vote))
33. C# create calendar appt outlook exchange (no webdav)
You should be using the Exchange Web Services Managed API. "EWS combines the functionality that is included in WebDAV and CDOEX".I don't have a code snippet to hand as I'm not in work just now, but I've done exactly what you describe in your question for a project last year - I'll dig it...
Nathan St Updated: 19 Aug 2010
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (1 vote))

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