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81. Unity Multiplayer Games – A Review
Unity Multiplayer Games - a review
Simon Jackson Updated: 12 Feb 2014
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (3 votes))
82. Learning Windows 8 Game Development – A Review
A review of "Learning Window 8 Game Development"
Multimedia » DirectX »
Simon Jackson Updated: 13 Jan 2014
Rating: ( (No votes))
83. So you want to be a Unity3D game developer?
I’ve compiled an extensive list of resources at your disposable on your Unity3D journey, split up in to sections to allow you to target what you need.
Mobile Apps » iOS »
Simon Jackson Updated: 19 Nov 2013
Rating: 4.96/5 ( (30 votes))

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Rating: ()

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Rating: ()
84. How to become a better GIT Collaborator
Some of the best working practices for working with open source projects.
DevOps » Git »
Simon Jackson Updated: 24 Oct 2013
Rating: 4.81/5 ( (7 votes))
85. Mastering Unity 4 Scripting (video series)–A Review
By the end of this book you should be able to make scrolling backgrounds, clever AI for bad guys, and be able to save / load and change levels in the way Unity3D always wanted you to but forgot to mention.
Mobile Apps » iOS »
Simon Jackson Updated: 23 Oct 2013
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (3 votes))

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Rating: ()

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Rating: ()
86. Getting Started with Unity – A Review
Getting started with Unity
Unity3D » »
Simon Jackson Updated: 2 Oct 2013
Rating: 4.80/5 ( (3 votes))
87. Monster Set of FREE Resources for Game Design
Free resources for game design.
Simon Jackson Updated: 22 Sep 2013
Rating: 4.97/5 ( (15 votes))
88. HLSL Development Cookbook–A Review
HLSL Development Cookbook Review
Nvidia » »
Simon Jackson Updated: 19 Sep 2013
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (4 votes))
89. Augmented Reality with Kinect – A Review
Augmented Reality with Kinect
Game Development » Kinect »
Simon Jackson Updated: 17 Sep 2013
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (2 votes))
90. Unity Shaders and Effects Cookbook – A Review
This sturdy reference is a nice comparison to the previous HLSL cookbook I reviewed earlier.
Simon Jackson Updated: 3 Sep 2013
Rating: ( (No votes))

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91. Syncfusion’s "Succinctly" Series of Free ebooks
Syncfusion’s "Succinctly" series, one of the largest free (and still growing) set of technical books covering everything from languages, to source control systems and beyond.
DevOps » Git »
Simon Jackson Updated: 22 Jul 2013
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (7 votes))
92. Android Native Development Kit Cookbook – A Review
A review of the Android Native Development Kit Cookbook.
Mobile Apps » Android »
Simon Jackson Updated: 22 Jul 2013
Rating: 4.00/5 ( (1 vote))

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Rating: ()
93. Parse the Salt Please
After playing a lot with Parse over the last few weeks, I thought I’d share some of my findings.
Mobile Apps » iOS »
Simon Jackson Updated: 21 Jul 2013
Rating: 5.00/5 ( (1 vote))

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