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Favicon  [13]
firewall  [77]
Forth.NET ...
synonyms: Forth.NET
game  [1,701]
fax  [6]
firmware  [17]
GamePad  [175]
FCM  [7]
Fitbit  [26]
forum  [56]
GAN  [0]
Feature-Pack  [24]
fitness  [17]
FOSS  [4]
Gantt  [13]
federated  [17]
FIX  [52]
foundation  [38]
feed  [32]
Flann  [6]
fp  [0]
garmin  [1]
ffmpeg  [214]
Flash  [1,000]
FPDF  [13]
gatsby  [1]
FFT  [36]
flask  [157]
FPGA  [0]
GCC  [275]
FGPA  [2]
flattening  [8]
Fractions  [2]
GCP  [0]
fiddler  [1]
Flex  [343]
frame  [76]
GDI ...
synonyms: GDI
fido  [0]
Flipkart  [13]
frameset  [15]
GDI+ ...
synonyms: GDI+
figma  [4]
flow  [3]
freedos  [0]
gdk  [0]
file ...
synonyms: files
Fluent  [54]
Gears ...
synonyms: Gear
FileDrop  [4]
Flutter  [234]
Frosting  [1]
Gecko  [58]
FileIO  [357]
Fluxor  [1]
ftc  [0]
GeckoOS  [0]
filepath  [139]
fold  [12]
FTP  [566]
Gecko-OS  [2]
FileResult  [11]
folder  [46]
ftrace  [3]
gemini  [0]
FileStream  [171]
font ...
synonyms: Fonts
Fulltext  [15]
general  [1,603]
file-system  [344]
FontAwesome  [4]
functional  [116]
generation  [58]
File-Upload ...
synonyms: FileUpload
FOP  [10]
fusioncharts  [24]
generator  [115]
Filtering  [1]
ForeignKey  [41]
fuzzy  [39]
GenericHost  [1]
financial  [41]
form  [1,644]
g++  [64]
generics ...
synonyms: Generic
fingerprint  [174]
formatting ...
synonyms: format, formating
GAC  [20]
genetic  [48]
Firebird  [62]
forms  [3,925]
gadgets ...
synonyms: Gadget
geofencing  [1]
Firefox  [386]
FORTAN  [536]
galileo  [153]
geolocation  [121]
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After the merge will become a synonym of the selected tag. Click OK to continue.
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