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by ryanoc333 at 20-Jan-14 6:20  
at Article "tip/trick "How to generate MD5+Salt Password in C#""
by ryanoc333 at 16-Jan-14 3:17  
at Article "article "SCRUM explained""
by ryanoc333 at 4-Dec-13 4:47  
at Article "technical blog "The Newest Fiddle Sibling : .NET Fiddle!""
by ryanoc333 at 7-Aug-13 2:54   Score: 5.00 (1 vote).
at Article "tip/trick "Disabling browser's back button""
by ryanoc333 at 4-Jun-13 4:45   Score: 5.00 (1 vote).
at Article "article "Resize Images to Size Limit""
by ryanoc333 at 22-Apr-13 3:20   Score: 5.00 (1 vote).
at Article "Article "Learning jQuery using jQuery Lab""
Question Cool [^]
by ryanoc333 at 7-Mar-13 3:34  
at Article "tip/trick "Using jQueryUI accordion to create a vertical menu""
by ryanoc333 at 20-Nov-12 5:02  
at Article "Article "The slow death of bookmarklets""
by ryanoc333 at 31-May-12 3:24   Score: 5.00 (1 vote).
at Article "ImageConverter - Converts images to a specific image format, changing sizes on the flow"
by ryanoc333 at 6-Aug-10 2:41  
at Article "Article "How to Call the Code Behind Method in Javascript""
by ryanoc333 at 12-May-10 2:41  
at Article "Article "Tips & Tricks: Incremental Search in Visual Studio 2010""
by ryanoc333 at 12-May-10 2:36  
at Article "Article "Register a style include from code""
by ryanoc333 at 26-Aug-09 4:45   Score: 1.00 (1 vote).
at Article "Editable Nested GridView (all-in-one)"
by ryanoc333 at 17-Jul-09 9:27   Score: 3.67 (2 votes).
at Article "Article "Interaction Between Content Page and Master Page""
by ryanoc333 at 15-Jul-09 2:38  
at Article "Article "Repeater with Paging and Sorting feature""
by ryanoc333 at 20-Feb-09 8:57   Score: 3.00 (1 vote).
at Article "Pager Control for ASP.NET"
by ryanoc333 at 20-Feb-09 8:54  
at Article "Pager Control for ASP.NET"
by ryanoc333 at 12-Feb-09 6:17  
at Article "Article "Generate PDF using C#""
by ryanoc333 at 25-Sep-08 6:31   Score: 5.00 (1 vote).
at Article "Article "Multiselect Dropdown for Web Applications""
by ryanoc333 at 22-Sep-08 3:22  
at Article "Article "Using Ajax, beyond UpdatePanel""
by ryanoc333 at 19-Aug-08 10:44  
at Article "Gridview with a single ModalPopupExtender/Panel for row editing"
by ryanoc333 at 14-Aug-08 4:13  
at Article "Article "Personal Time Tracker""
by ryanoc333 at 24-Jul-08 1:57  
at Article "Article "Generate PDF using C#""
General HTML [^]
by ryanoc333 at 23-Jul-08 7:11   Score: 5.00 (1 vote).
at Article "Article "Generate PDF using C#""
by ryanoc333 at 3-Jul-08 2:13  
at Article "Article "IE6+ & Firefox style information bars.""
by ryanoc333 at 27-Jun-08 2:05  
at Article "Article "Dynamic Javascript Validation Message Panel""
by ryanoc333 at 20-May-08 3:19  
at Article "Build SQL Server Stored Procedures From Information_Schema Tables"
by ryanoc333 at 8-May-08 5:05   Score: 2.00 (1 vote).
at Article "GridView Custom Paging"
by ryanoc333 at 8-May-08 1:59   Score: 3.50 (2 votes).
at Article "Article "Query string encryption for ASP.NET""
by ryanoc333 at 22-Apr-08 2:15   Score: 3.71 (4 votes).
at Article "Article "Multiple Ways to do Multiple Inserts""
by ryanoc333 at 26-Mar-08 2:35  
at Article "Article "Javascript to show Session timeout counter""
by ryanoc333 at 25-Mar-08 7:22   Score: 1.09 (4 votes).
at Article "Article "Loading a treeview to n levels""
by ryanoc333 at 21-Feb-08 9:42   Score: 2.00 (1 vote).
at Article "Extending the GridView CommandField To Add Delete Confirmation"
General Nice [^]
by ryanoc333 at 9-Jan-08 8:56  
at Article "DAL Class and Transact-SQL generator for C#.Net"
by ryanoc333 at 7-Jan-08 2:32  
at Article "Article "C# 3.0 New Language Features (Part1)""
General Nice! [^]
by ryanoc333 at 22-Oct-07 2:25  
at Article "Computer Controlled Watering System"
General URL [^]
by ryanoc333 at 27-Sep-07 2:21   Score: 2.00 (1 vote).
at Article "Creating PDF documents in ASP.NET"
by ryanoc333 at 26-Sep-07 11:34  
at Article "ImageConverter - Converts images to a specific image format, changing sizes on the flow"
by ryanoc333 at 26-Sep-07 2:59  
at Article "Structs in C#, Structs vs. Classes, Heap or Stack? ,Structs Constructors"
by ryanoc333 at 25-Sep-07 3:32  
at Article "Structs in C#, Structs vs. Classes, Heap or Stack? ,Structs Constructors"
by ryanoc333 at 12-Sep-07 12:32  
at Article "Simple Validation in VS.NET 2003"
by ryanoc333 at 5-Sep-07 2:18  
at Article "A C# Google Bookmarks Class"
Question Cool! [^]
by ryanoc333 at 28-Aug-07 2:27  
at Article "Connecting a Davis Instruments Vantage Weather Station to the Internet"
by ryanoc333 at 27-Jun-07 5:22  
at Article "HttpQueryStringBuilder Using JavaScript"
General Thanks [^]
by ryanoc333 at 26-Jun-07 5:10  
at Article "Add column for delete in GridView with confirmation box."
by ryanoc333 at 4-May-07 6:58  
at Article "A tabbed dialog box in Javascript"
by ryanoc333 at 2-May-07 2:19   Score: 1.00 (1 vote).
at Article "Generate a PDF File using CrystalReports"
by ryanoc333 at 17-Apr-07 11:01  
at Article "ViewState Management for dynamically loaded UserControls"
by ryanoc333 at 9-Apr-07 2:17  
at Article "Coding Standards for C#: Names"