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by Dean Oliver at 15-Aug-12 19:46  
at Article "tip/trick "Android Custom List Adapter in MonoDevelop (Mono for Android C#)""
by Dean Oliver at 17-Jul-12 21:33   Score: 5.00 (1 vote).
at Article "article "Practical ASP.NET MVC (3) tips""
by Dean Oliver at 19-Apr-12 4:26  
at Article "article "MEF 2 Preview Beginners Guide""
by Dean Oliver at 18-Apr-12 18:48  
at Article "article "MEF 2 Preview Beginners Guide""
by Dean Oliver at 12-Apr-12 3:29  
at Article "article "Multi core programming using Task Parallel Library with .NET 4.0""
by Dean Oliver at 8-Apr-12 6:31  
at Article "article "Build a Pluggable Application with IoC Container""
by Dean Oliver at 26-Jan-12 5:50  
at Article "Alternative Tip "Alternative to Activator.CreateInstance""
by Dean Oliver at 26-Jan-12 4:42  
at Article "Alternative Tip "Alternative to Activator.CreateInstance""
by Dean Oliver at 31-Jan-12 18:20  
at Article "Alternative Tip "Alternative to Activator.CreateInstance""
by Dean Oliver at 31-Jan-12 5:52  
at Article "Alternative Tip "Alternative to Activator.CreateInstance""
by Dean Oliver at 25-Jan-12 18:40  
at Article "Alternative Tip "Alternative to Activator.CreateInstance""
by Dean Oliver at 25-Jan-12 8:44  
at Article "Alternative Tip "Alternative to Activator.CreateInstance""
by Dean Oliver at 20-Mar-12 0:48  
at Article "article "Basics of ASP.NET MVC3 (Part-I)""
by Dean Oliver at 18-Mar-12 19:50  
at Forum "C#"
by Dean Oliver at 18-Mar-12 19:32  
at Article "article "A replacement for MemoryStream""
by Dean Oliver at 18-Mar-12 19:30   Score: 2.00 (1 vote).
at Article "article "ASP.NET MVC3 Razor With JQuery For Beginners""
by Dean Oliver at 15-Mar-12 10:00  
at Article "Article "Showcasing Cinch MVVM framework / PRISM 4 interoperability""
by Dean Oliver at 15-Mar-12 9:43  
at Article "Article "EventAggregator Service in PRISM""
by Dean Oliver at 12-Mar-12 19:00  
at Article "Article "Generic Alert Handler - A Practical Example on Multithreading""
by Dean Oliver at 12-Mar-12 8:44  
at Article "Article "Entity Framework Performance""
by Dean Oliver at 12-Mar-12 4:40  
at Article "article "Windows 8 JavaScript Metro Application–Getting Started""
by Dean Oliver at 11-Mar-12 5:54  
at Article "article "ASP.NET WebAPI: Getting Started with MVC4 and WebAPI""
by Dean Oliver at 8-Mar-12 4:23  
at Article "Article "MEF Generics""
by Dean Oliver at 8-Mar-12 3:36  
at Article "Article "MEF Generics""
by Dean Oliver at 7-Mar-12 8:17  
at Article "Article "A Beginner's Tutorial - Understanding ControlState in ASP.NET""
by Dean Oliver at 7-Mar-12 8:13   Score: 2.00 (1 vote).
at Article "article "Understanding ASP.NET Roles and Membership - A Beginner's Tutorial""
by Dean Oliver at 6-Mar-12 8:51  
at Article "article "Metro Style lightweight Image Processing""
by Dean Oliver at 5-Mar-12 6:39  
at Article "article "Tree View with "CRUD operations", "drag and drop (DnD)" and "Lazy Loading" using Dojo Tree, Entity Framework, SQL Server, ASP.NET MVC""
by Dean Oliver at 5-Mar-12 6:37  
at Article "article "Working with WP7 RadBusyIndicator control from Telerik""
by Dean Oliver at 5-Mar-12 2:58   Score: 5.00 (2 votes).
at Forum "C#"
by Dean Oliver at 25-Jan-12 8:40  
at Article "Article "Alternative to Activator.CreateInstance""
by Dean Oliver at 27-Feb-12 6:08  
at Article "Article "Method for Making a Simple Web Request""
by Dean Oliver at 27-Feb-12 6:07   Score: 5.00 (1 vote).
at Article "alternative tip "Filtering records from List similar to Sql IN Operator using LINQ""
by Dean Oliver at 3-Feb-12 7:35  
at Article "Article "Uploading Zip File in""
by Dean Oliver at 1-Feb-12 8:12  
at Article "Article "How to Compress/Decompress directories""
by Dean Oliver at 31-Jan-12 20:27  
at Article "Article "WPF Panorama & Metro Controls""
by Dean Oliver at 31-Jan-12 18:33   Score: 5.00 (1 vote).
at Article "Article "How to Compress/Decompress directories""
by Dean Oliver at 31-Jan-12 18:30  
at Article "Article "Render Exceptions in an Entity Framework application""
by Dean Oliver at 28-Jan-12 21:17  
at Article "Article "Execute lambda expression given as string""
by Dean Oliver at 29-Feb-12 5:46   Score: 1.00 (3 votes).
at Article "Article "WCF REST Service with JSON""
by Dean Oliver at 27-Feb-12 8:13  
at Article "Article "Using-YouTube-API-1-9-0-0-with-MVVM-Light-Toolkit""
by Dean Oliver at 26-Feb-12 18:42  
at Article "Article "Code First: A practical case""
by Dean Oliver at 26-Feb-12 18:14  
at Article "Article "Universal Type Converter""
by Dean Oliver at 25-Feb-12 22:15  
at Article "Article "Performance and Ideas from Anders Hejlsberg INotifyPropertyChanged""
by Dean Oliver at 24-Feb-12 22:09  
at Article "Article "Performance and Ideas from Anders Hejlsberg INotifyPropertyChanged""
by Dean Oliver at 24-Feb-12 21:37  
at Forum "WPF"
by Dean Oliver at 22-Feb-12 8:41   Score: 5.00 (1 vote).
at Article "Article "Get an unique session in each browser tab""
by Dean Oliver at 22-Feb-12 8:40   Score: 1.00 (2 votes).
at Article "Article "Generic repositories – A silly abstraction layer""
by Dean Oliver at 22-Feb-12 8:39   Score: 5.00 (1 vote).
at Article "Article "Dynamically Mapping SQL Resultset to Business Object""
by Dean Oliver at 22-Feb-12 8:38   Score: 2.00 (1 vote).
at Article "Article "A Beginner's Tutorial on Caching in ASP.NET""

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