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Newsletter - 17 Aug 2015

Weekly Newsletter (17 Aug 2015)
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Site News

Hardware the Focus this week

Intel's IDF is this week with their latest Skylake architecture being the focus. Xeon chips for mobile, 14nm architecture and rumours of massive improvements in single threaded apps. Oh, and overclocking is back with a vengeance.

Samsung also had their Unpacked event with bigger phones and a teaser for their iWatch, I mean, Gear S2. Nothing Earth Shattering here, but if you're into Tizen then you'll have a new device that will need testing.

Are you into programming to the metal? We have a ton of hardware related articles and are always looking for more. Hardware can be frustrating: help save someone hours of pain and submit your tip, trick or article today.

Chris Maunder

Weekly Poll Results

Which is your favorite technology company?

Survey period: 10 Aug 2015 to 17 Aug 2015

A totally subjective and unscientific popularity quiz, but that's half the fun. (suggested by Newton Saber)

Adobe120.9312 votes, 0.93%
Amazon382.9338 votes, 2.93%
Apple765.8776 votes, 5.87%
Google34526.64345 votes, 26.64%
Intel655.0265 votes, 5.02%
Microsoft53040.93530 votes, 40.93%
Oracle191.4719 votes, 1.47%
Samsung272.0827 votes, 2.08%
Tesla846.4984 votes, 6.49%
Yahoo!60.466 votes, 0.46%
Other937.1893 votes, 7.18%

This week's survey: How physically active are you?

Latest Additions

New articles added

.NET Framework

  (15 votes) by Josef Pihrt (updated 4 days ago)
LINQ to Regex library provides language integrated access to the .NET regular expressions.


  (2 votes) by Xun Ding (updated 2 days ago)
What is SingalR? How do you SingalR and jQuery your way to real-time programming?

Audio and Video

  (4 votes) by Evgeny Pereguda (updated 5 days ago)
Simple SDK for capturing, recording and streaming video and audio from web-cams on Windows OS by Windows Media Foundation.


  (2 votes) by Pranay Rana (updated 5 days ago)
Below discussion about the ContinueWith function available on Task Class of TPL and await keyword introduced in C# 5.0 to support asynchronous calls.

Client side scripting

  (2 votes) by max komlev (updated 2 days ago)
Task Scheduler JavaScript library


  (2 votes) by KASQLDBA (updated 3 days ago)
Downgrading from Enterprise to standard edition (SQL server) for those servers which are not using any of enterprise features.

Design and Architecture

  (8 votes) by Reader Man San (updated 3 days ago)
I wanted to make a plug-in system, so I search the net for several days, and started feeding on the info and ideas, so I wanted to share my search findings for others. I have ordered the articles, based on … Continue reading →
  (3 votes) by Pranay Rana (updated 5 days ago)
Flyweight pattern is about creating a pool of objects which allow sharing already created objects and causing applications to consume less memory.


  (39 votes) by Ranjan.D (updated 3 days ago)
Learn HTML5 and CSS3 from basics to advanced level in several parts.

Internet / Network

  (12 votes) by Yvan Rodrigues (updated yesterday)
Often an application needs data from an HTTP server, such as web services, or to scrape content. .NET provides HttpWebRequest, but it requires a lot of code to perform trivial operations. This class simplifies the task dramatically by abstracting the HTTP protocol, streams, and exceptions.


  (14 votes) by Chris A. Johnson (updated 5 days ago)
Hiring for performance vs. skills


  (3 votes) by Mohammad Dayyan (updated yesterday)
A library for creating .Net Serializable Expressions to send via WCF services

Raspberry Pi

  (1 votes) by Mark H Bishop (updated 3 days ago)
Build a motion-triggered cam with room illumination, off-site storage of captured movies, and secure remote administration... all with simple bash scripts. Great for off-site monitoring and wildlife cams.

Third Party Products and Tools

  (4 votes) by Rooney Bisht (updated 6 days ago)
In this article we will understand how we can run jobs one after the other(sequentially) using Quartz.Net scheduler. We will also learn about Job Listeners & Quartz scheduler plugins.

Windows Runtime

  (4 votes) by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan (updated 3 days ago)
In this article I will explain the steps to create a full featured standalone ASP.NET 5's Web API that can be used by Windows 10's native Universal Windows Runtime application.

Articles updated

Applications & Tools

  (2211 votes) by .dan.g. (updated 2 days ago)
A hierarchical task manager with native XML support for custom reporting.


  (3 votes) by Sergiy Bogdancev (updated 5 days ago)
Last article before video-streaming


  (434 votes) by Marcos Meli (updated 5 days ago)
An easy to use .NET library to read/write strong typed data from files with fixed length or delimited records (CSV). Also has support to import/export data from different data storages (Excel, Acces, SqlServer, MySql)
  (15 votes) by DrABELL (updated 2 days ago)
This is an alternative for "Fastest method to trim all whitespace from Strings in .NET"
  (9 votes) by Florian Rappl (updated 4 days ago)
Login, get the data, logout. AngleSharp has everything we need to submit forms and transmit everything we need to get the desired data.

Hardware & System

  (135 votes) by stepe (updated 6 days ago)
Displays system information like free disk space and free memory on the desktop.

Internet / Network

  (21 votes) by DriveByCoder (updated 6 days ago)
How fast can your PC serve up data?


  (35 votes) by Alberto Venditti (updated 4 days ago)
Using a .NET Windows service as an engine for specialized custom plug-ins execution


  (4 votes) by Member 4206974 (updated 6 days ago)
CrossData is a PHP object for creating an HTML table or a PHP array, crossing two fields of a table from a PDO accessed DataBase.

String handling

  (33 votes) by DrABELL (updated yesterday)
Alternative solutions w/performance improvement using String.Join() and String.Concat() (re: original: "StringBuilderPlus Improves Upon StringBuilder").

New Tips and Tricks added


  (2 votes) by Web Technobrat (updated yesterday)
Broadcast information to the client browser and display the progress while the server is processing a user request using MVC and SignalR.


  (11 votes) by George Jonsson (updated 5 days ago)
This tip uses SendMessage and WM_COPYDATA to transfer the data.
  (3 votes) by E.F. Nijboer (updated 6 days ago)
ExcelDataReaderHelper: Functionality similar to LinqToExcel using the ExcelDataReader package

Connected Devices

  (2 votes) by Avirup Das (updated 2 days ago)
This article describes an application to control with Sony TVs connected to your Home Wi-Fi network from PC.


  (4 votes) by Muhammad Magdi (updated 5 days ago)
This tip contains how to Export SQL Data to CSV files using normal ways and mainly using SQLCM.
  (3 votes) by hevesir (updated 6 days ago)
Oracle Home Selector

Programming Tips

  (1 votes) by Mike Meinz (updated 5 days ago)
This sample program demonstrates how to use Google Calendar API v3 to delete Google Calendar events, insert Google Calendar events and update Google calendar events based on a .CSV file exported from Calendar Creator.

SharePoint Server

  (2 votes) by Atish Dipongkor (updated 3 days ago)
Permissions required to provide a user for custom solutions development like Sandbox, Farm in SharePoint using Visual Studio

Tools and IDE

  (1 votes) by jro.johnro (updated 4 days ago)
The TFS Business logic and constraints, as well as the database complexity, prohibit the movement of a work item from one project to another,... fortunately there is a simple way to move a work item using SQL Server directly.


  (3 votes) by 1sumitanand (updated 2 days ago)
AutoComplete Textbox with Validations

New Technical Blogs added


  (9 votes) by Gaurav Kumar Arora (updated 4 days ago)
How to Serialize/Deserialize objects programatically?
  (2 votes) by Gaurav Kumar Arora (updated 4 days ago)
Calling an API using RestSharp in ASP.NET


  (12 votes) by Gaurav Kumar Arora (updated 4 days ago)
IsNullOrEmpty for Generic Collections in C#

Design and Architecture

  (3 votes) by Anton Angelov (updated 6 days ago)
Explains in detail how to implement Singleton Design Pattern. Practical examples how to use it in automation tests, following all SOLID principles.


  (2 votes) by Sibeesh Passion (updated 3 days ago)
Export Hierarchical (Multi-Level) HTML Table With Styles Using jQuery


  (2 votes) by Gaurav Kumar Arora (updated 3 days ago)
NHibernate threw an error when used Reserved SQLserver kerywords with in mappings, queries, etc.

SQL Reporting Services

  (2 votes) by Gaurav Kumar Arora (updated 4 days ago)
SQL Like Functionality in LINQ?

Testing and QA

  (3 votes) by Anton Angelov (updated 5 days ago)
Research how to speed up Selenium tests through putting browsers files on RAM Drive. Benchmarks and time comparison between all major browsers.

Uncategorised Technical Blogs

  (5 votes) by DotNetForAll (updated 4 days ago)
Interfaces walkthrough
  (3 votes) by Sibeesh Passion (updated 5 days ago)
Remove Filtered sessionStorage And localStorage

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