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The Insider - 04 Jun 2012

Economics of Software Quality
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Monday, June 04, 2012 View online Comments? Questions? Tips?
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Industry News
"<Jedi wave>These are the books you've been looking for."
Source: Flavorwire
"Anyone who calls it rubbish didn't actually try one in 1992. It was brilliant."
Source: TIME
"You could Google it... but the ads might not be as relevant."
Source: Wired
"Dial MySQL for murder."
Source: Oracle WTF
"I'm Earl Scheib, and I'll repave any PC for $29.95."
Source: Ars Technica
Click here Sharpen Your Skills. 15 Day no-cost trial!
Get unlimited access to thousands of technology books & videos for 1 low monthly price. Sign up now and save 15% off the unlimited Safari Library subscription.
Developer News
"Waiting for the other boot to drop."
Source: Minimal Mac
"WTFM so others can RTFM and learn."
Source: BlackWasp Software Development
"Read > Learn >> Master"
Source: good coders code, great reuse
"Click the link to find out... Error. Abort. Retry. Fail..."
Source: Ardalis
"When I left you, I was but the learner, now I am the master."
Source: Mashable
Code Project Discussions - Have your say!
"How many levels is too deep to nest?"
Source: The Code Project
"Have you tried the previews? Tell us what you think."
Source: The Code Project

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