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Newsletter - 06 May 2013

Most popular new articles
164 articles this week.
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Site News

Challenge 1 of our Azure Developer Challenge is over and we have 3 new owners of a Microsoft Surface:

Well done - and I wish we could have had half a dozen runners up.

Challenge 1 (Grab an Azure account and post your idea) was extended a little due to a late start, and Challenge 2 (build a website) ends this week. There are 5 challenges, with 3 Microsoft Surface tablets being won every 2 weeks. If you missed a challenge you can still enter so grab your Azure trial account, read up on the challenges and get creative. $16,000 in prizes overall! More details here.

Chris Maunder

Click here Payments Made Easy APIs, Sample Code and More
Sign up for an Authorize.Net test account and build your first integration in 15 minutes or less. Simple APIs, troubleshooting tools, a popular developer community and more--plus earn commissions through referrals. Get started now!
Click here Fast and Accurate Crystal to SSRS Conversion
Crystal Migration Services provides best-in-breed conversion of Crystal Reports to SSRS to companies across the globe. Try a sample conversion or schedule a WebEx with us, and we’ll show you how quick, easy and accurate the conversion can be. Let us convert you.
Click here CSS Architectures, Part 1: Principles of Code Cleanup and the New Best Practices
Discover some helpful techniques for writing clean and efficient CSS. Learn about the central methodologies of the increasingly popular scalable CSS architectures to take style sheets to another level. Read the article!
Click here Learn critical new skills together.
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Click here Introducing D&B APIs – Get Data Now!
D&B is the world's leading source of commercial data and insight on businesses and industries, enabling developers to stream reliable, up-to-the minute business information into their applications via APIs. Learn more.
Click here Learn the Latest – C# 2012, MVC 4, Windows 8 Apps, SharePoint 2013, more
Discover the easy way to master the hottest Microsoft technologies and advance your career! Subscribe to LearnDevNow for an incredible 1,500 hours of step-by-step tutorial videos, including future releases at no charge Learn more

Weekly Poll Results

Do you write gaming applications?

Survey period: 29 Apr 2013 to 6 May 2013

Maybe you're writing the next Angry Birds, or a 3D phsyics engine to make Crysis look so last year.

Yes, for desktop machines15211.22152 votes, 11.22%
Yes, for gaming consoles503.6950 votes, 3.69%
Yes, for tablets594.3559 votes, 4.35%
Yes, for smartphones836.1383 votes, 6.13%
Yes, for other types of machines151.1115 votes, 1.11%
No, but I will be1218.93121 votes, 8.93%
No, but I'd like to52038.38520 votes, 38.38%
No51337.86513 votes, 37.86%
Respondents were allowed to choose more than one answer; totals may not add up to 100%

This week's survey: Do you consider yourself more pedantic than the average person?

Most popular new articles

29 Apr 2013 - 5 May 2013

Latest Additions

164 articles overall. 89 new, 75 updated.

New articles added

.NET Framework

Algorithms & Recipes



  • CTM - Clone To Modify Pattern - Paulo Zemek
    This article presents a pattern to create immutable objects, which have thread-safe guarantee among others, and which also support modifications throught clonning, yet avoiding excessive intermediate clones.

CodeProject FAQs

  • Code Project Catalog FAQ - Sean Ewington
    This is an FAQ for the Code Project Catalog. It can be modified by any Silver member.

Design and Architecture

Files and Folders




  • A Coder Interview With Oren Eini - CodeProject, Ayende @ Rahien
    Welcome to our continuing series of Code Project interviews in which we talk to developers about their backgrounds, projects, interests and pet peeves. In this installment we talk to Oren Eini, perhaps best known for his work on RavenDB.

Product Showcase

SharePoint Server


Windows 8 Design

Windows Communication Foundation

Windows Presentation Foundation

Articles updated

.NET Framework


Algorithms & Recipes


Applications & Tools


ASP.NET Controls


C / C++ Language


C++ / CLI

Charts, Graphs and Images

Client side scripting


Design and Architecture

Desktop Gadgets

  • Clock - karthik cad/cam
    Simple clock using line transform.

Files and Folders

Game Development


Internet / Network

Microsoft BizTalk Server



SQL Reporting Services

Threads, Processes & IPC

Tools and IDE

Trace and Logs


  • Engineering Calculator VOLTA-2013 - DrABELL
    Productivity software package VOLTA-2013 developed as HTML5 web application and converted into desktop installable one using Intel’s AppUp encapsulator. Application extension Jobrica-2013 utilizes geolocation/GPS service and Bing map technology to find Job Agencies in search area.


  • JavaScript oAuth - Ricardo Lynch
    Using JavaScript for oAuth with three major identity providers: Facebook, Google, and Twitter.


Windows Communication Foundation

Windows Presentation Foundation

New Tips and Tricks added

Bugs & Workarounds


Client side scripting

Files and Folders

General Graphics

Grid & Data Controls


Programming Tips


Web Security

Windows Presentation Foundation

  • GIF Animation in WPF - Jawahar Suresh Babu
    A library which provides an option to play animated sprite sheets

Windows Runtime

Tips and Tricks updated


Audio and Video


DLLs & Assemblies

Web Services

Windows 8 Design

New Technical Blogs added

ASP.NET Controls

  • JavaScript : Validating Letters and Numbers - Imran Abdul Ghani
    During web development, almost always, we need to provide input validation on even simple web forms. And in case of web, JavaScript is the best option available for validating input on client-side. Server-side validation has its own important and it should be there but restricting user at very first

Design and Architecture

Uncategorised Technical Blogs

Web Security

Windows Phone 7/8

Technical Blogs updated

C / C++ Language

  • Comparisons in C++ - David Corne
    This is about the comparison operators in C++ and making them easy to implement.

Office Development

  • Using an Access, MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite database from VBA - Pragmateek
    [toc] Introduction Note to pedantic guys: yes Access is not a database engine, only the graphical front-end to Jet/ACE, but we’ll stand with this simplification. The sample application (Excel + VBA) and the SQL source code are available in this … Continue reading →

Third Party Products and Tools

  • MonoGame: Using libraries with Windows Phone projects - Simon Jackson
    A challenge faced by the MonoGame team when they created Windows Phone 8 support was that XNA is actually included with the platform, this created a unique challenge because it was a direct contradiction to the XNA support being provided by MonoGame itself, this caused no end of problems until ̷

Windows Presentation Foundation

  • Binding without WPF - Nick Polyak
    Here we are going to talk about the binding concept and how it can be re-implemented outside of WPF without being tied to the visual libraries or the UI threads.

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