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The Insider - 01 Jun 2018

Daily News - Google promises ethical principles to guide development of military AI
Industry News
A drone may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. No wait ...
Source: The Verge
"A lot of people at this budget meeting are pitching things like more textbooks and education programs, but I have just two words for y'all: Smart. School."
Source: The Intercept
From the state that brought you personal computers
Source: The Verge
As the Bat Computer crashed for the umpteenth time, Batman regretted putting his computer in a cave filled with bats.
Source: Ars Technica
Source: reddit
Developer News
Is it too pessimistic to read this headline and think, "Oh goody, something else hackers and malware can use to screw us over."
Source: Ars Technica
Finally, the year of Linux on the desktop.
Source: Own Your Bits
Luckily there is a version of Windows called Windows 10 Enterprise. Crisis averted!
Source: Computerworld
*takes someone else's finger, points it at back-end developers. runs away*
Source: Jimmy Breck-McKye
Science and Technology
Code Project Discussions - Your say!
It says "sentances" but we're all gonna look the other way on this one, mmmK?
Source: CodeProject

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