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The Insider - 01 Oct 2018

Daily News - Tim Berners-Lee project gives you more control over web data
Industry News
"All the time, our customers ask us, 'How do you make money doing this?' The answer is simple: Volume."
Source: Ars Technica
Well, it is for sharing, isn't it?
Source: The Verge
Yeah, what does he know about the web?
Source: Engadget
Twit tweets; gets sweet swat
Source: The Verge
Source: DevOps
Developer News
Been there, done that, moving on
Source: Skip
For those still curious how the official file copy code looks
Source: Windows Command-line for developers
Hopefully the robots will take the BSODs well (and not start killing us in response)
Source: Venture Beat
"No time for losers 'cause we are the champions"
Source: John Hotterbeekx
Science and Technology
That explains the 40 kg bag of bird seed that just got delivered
Source: Fast Company
I hear it's good for growing potatoes
"If you could read my mind, love what a tale my thoughts could tell"
Source: PacktHub
Code Project Discussions - Your say!
Invention to be taken with a pinch of salt
Source: CodeProject

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