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The Daily Build - 01 Mar 2019

The Daily Build - gGlowBox - Create a Glow or Shadow Effect Around a Focused Control (VB.NET)

Headline article

gGlowBox - Create a Glow or Shadow Effect Around a Focused Control (VB.NET)

  (40 votes) by SSDiver2112 (updated 14 hours ago)
A custom Panel that creates a glow effect around a child control or a drop shadow when it receives focus

New Articles, Tech Blogs and Tips

Algorithms & Recipes

  (1 votes) by Gaston Verelst (updated 14 hours ago)
This article discusses how F# is a great language to use to implement algorithms such of k-means because of its conciseness, type inference, and immutability.


  (2 votes) by Eric Lynch (updated 14 hours ago)
This article will provide C# coding examples to introduce some of the more common features of GitHub's API.


  (0 votes) by Apriorit Inc (updated 16 hours ago)
The details of the NEO DoS vulnerability and how to recreate it.

Client side scripting

  (0 votes) by IAmJoshChang (updated 14 hours ago)
In this article we learn: What Chrome DevTools is and some of the tools that it provides, how to set breakpoints and navigate through JavaScript, how to use the Console with the debugger to help navigate and understand why your code is acting the way it is.

Product Showcase

  (0 votes) by Intel Corporation (updated 14 hours ago)
This topic demonstrates how to run the Image Classification sample application, which does inference using image classification networks like AlexNet and GoogLeNet.
  (0 votes) by Intel Corporation (updated 14 hours ago)
How to convert a trained Caffe model using the Model Optimizer with both framework-agnostic and Caffe-specific command-line options
  (0 votes) by Jeffrey T. Fritz (updated 14 hours ago)
Jeff checks out Jupyter Notebooks with Python and Docker, and starts using the Intel distribution to get improved performance from the Python interpreter.
  (0 votes) by Jeffrey T. Fritz (updated 14 hours ago)
In this video, Jeff shows how to get started with Visual Studio 2019 and Python. He even installs and uses the Intel Python distribution as well, to show how you can use multiple Python distributions and easily change between them in Visual Studio

Threads, Processes & IPC

  (0 votes) by CMalcheski (updated 16 hours ago)
Applying a lightweight control mechanism to the process of launching new threads can yield major jumps in processing speed.

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Updated Articles, Tech Blogs and Tips


  (9 votes) by Chris A. Johnson (updated 6 hours ago)
Debugging within IIS provides a smoother development process without having to think about whether your webserver is running or not.

List Controls

  (8 votes) by Jovibor (updated 3 hours ago)
List control with cells tooltips, menu ability, and even more