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The Insider - 01 Jul 2019

Daily News - Microsoft explains the lack of Registry backups in Windows 10
Industry News
Oh, that's what it does
Source: Bleeping Computer
Oh, DDE. I've missed you.
Source: Silicon Angle
Because nothing bad ever happens to the Registry information
Source: ghacks
At least until it becomes inconvenient
Source: Engadget
Developer News
In related news: not being regularly whipped improves worker happiness
Source: ZDNet
If enough people try it, they can cancel it
Source: 9 to 5 Google
Because DevOps needed another 'framework'
Source: SD Times
I take back what I said elsewhere about the benefits of technology in the workplace
Source: Techcrunch
Science and Technology
Based on Kubrick's original screenplay!
Source: Bad Astronomy
As long as they're not going to Europa
Source: Scientific American
Code Project Discussions - Your say!
I’m still waiting for a TryTryAgain function (for timeouts)
Source: CodeProject

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