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The Insider - 01 Jul 2021

Daily News - Public Windows PrintNightmare 0-day exploit allows domain takeover
Industry News
Anyone want to buy the source to 'Hello World'? Cheap - only $1,000,000
Source: The Verge
Good thing we got rid of all the printers
Source: Bleeping Computer
Maybe if they just called it, 'telemetry'?
Source: Reuters
At least we can be confident no one has corrupted their malware?
Source: Ars Technica
Source: SMBC
Developer News
Because I haven't given you a new programming language in almost two whole weeks
Source: Unison
Who wouldn't want to spend the next 50 years updating 50 year-old code?
Source: Tech Republic
Science and Technology
And we know he's *never* over-promised and under-delivered in the past
Source: Gizmodo
Great news for people that have always wanted to solve transient, coupled, and simultaneous conjugate heat transfer solutions, but were unable
Source: ZDNet
Code Project Discussions - Your say!
Have you tried kicking it?
Source: CodeProject
"All the rest are just details"
Source: CodeProject

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