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The Insider - 30 Sep 2021

Daily News - Another reason why developers are quitting: To escape from your bad code
Industry News
Fortunately, you can still Bing for it
Source: The Verge
I'm sure the guidance also works against security agencies?
Source: Bleeping Computer
How else are they going to find anything?
Source: Gizmodo
Developer News
"You'll get going while the going's still good. You're so very unnecessarily mercenary."
Source: Tech Republic
Sometimes you just need a wooden stake
Source: Scott Hanselman
That's OK. They'll find bad code in their new job as well.
Source: ZDNet
Science and Technology
How do I load a blockchain into the projector?
Source: Yahoo! finance
Which is why we'd rather bang our heads on the desk, rather than debug code?
Source: Psychology Today
Code Project Discussions - Your say!
There's a use for dark mode?
Source: CodeProject

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