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The Insider - 05 Oct 2021

Daily News - Windows 11 review: Microsoft’s most pleasant OS—until it isn't
Industry News
If everyone else has their own chips, will you do it as well?
Source: MS Power User
And there's my shocked face again
Source: Ars Technica
Developer News
Forcing people to use Bing? That's just cruel.
Source: 9 to 5 Google
Because sometimes you just don't have the time to deal with a date (or vice versa)
Source: Exception not found
Management is high and morale is low?
Source: IT Pro Today
Science and Technology
"Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."
Source: Tech Xplore
Going boldly, of course
Source: Gizmodo
Code Project Discussions - Your say!
You mean you don't want a job in another state using this week's hot technology?
Source: CodeProject
Doing things "the way the language" wants, rather than how I've "always done things"
Source: CodeProject

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