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The Insider - 26 Jan 2022

Daily News - Which programming paradigm gives the most expressive code?
Industry News
Think of all the new ones it will create!
Source: ZDNet
So you can be the only one to watch that cat video?
Source: The Verge
If it also wants to fill in my TPS reports, deal
Source: ZDNet
Source: Dilbert
Developer News
There's a case for not?
Source: Dark Reading
Source: #ifdef Windows
5012 reasons to be cautious about the cloud
Source: Troy Hunt
Brother, can you spare a pair a' dime?
Source: Fluent C++
Science and Technology
"Skynet begins to learn at a geometric rate"
Source: Quanta magazine
Dang. I lost track of the count again.
Source: SyFy
Code Project Discussions - Your say!
It's always DNS
Source: CodeProject
As long as you don't use a felt tipped marker - lesson learned the hard way
Source: CodeProject

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