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Insider 10Nov11

Daily News - Clean up after Visual Studio
Your morning update: Daily News - Clean up after Visual Studio
The Code Project Insider The Code Project
Thursday, November 10, 2011 View online Comments? Questions? Tips?
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Click here Write once. Port to many.
The Intel AppUpSM developer program features SDK and tools to simplify cross-platform app development. Create new or port existing apps to be sold to consumers worldwide. Explore the opportunity:
Click here Tech Talk: Application lifecycle in apps for Windows Phone
On November 23rd, 2011 join Microsoft MVP Colin Melia as he walks through new multi-tasking capabilities in Windows Phone 7.5, providing detailed explanations through debug demonstrations. Register here.
Click here Intel® Software Partner Program is a global membership program providing software companies and individuals with resources to effectively develop and market commercial applications optimized for Intel technologies Discover the benefits of membership.

Industry News

Flash in the pan.
Tough day for browser plug-ins.
Source: ZDNet
With those pesky plug-ins are out of the way, the world is ours! Bwahahahaha!
A middle ground between App Store and free-for-all?
Source: Ars Technica
One joke over the line.
Source: Red Sweater Blog
Click here ComponentArt HTML5 Mobile Dashboards are here!
Develop once in .NET and XAML, deploy anywhere through HTML5. ComponentArt Dashboard Server features automatic conversion of XAML-based dashboards to HTML5. Try them in action today!

Developer News

Source: InfoWorld
If you read more than you write, then make reads simpler.
Source: Karl Seguin
"Allright, sweethearts, you heard the man and you know the drill!"
Source: Paul Sheriff's Blog for the Real World
Web-ward expansion.
Source: 3 Solar Masses
Teaching kids to program... with a TRS-80.
Source: Not Invented Here
Click here Get Java Skills – Just $99.99
Master Java SE, Java EE, JSP, JSF, Hibernate, Spring and more with this comprehensive online learning library featuring Java experts. An entire year of training is just $99.99 for a limited time. Subscribe now!

The Code Project Discussions - Have your say!

For help, please see our 404 Not Found.
Source: The Code Project
You know his articles, now meet the man.
Source: The Code Project
Click here 20 Minutes to 4 Seconds...
SpreadsheetGear for .NET reduced the time to generate a critical Excel Report "from 20 minutes to 4 seconds" making his team "look like miracle workers" according to Luke Melia at Oxygen Media in New York. Download a fully functional SpreadsheetGear trial Today!

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