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Headline Type Source Date Clicks
Why NASA is sending bacteria into the sky on balloons during the eclipse
They want to make everyone sick! Wake up Sheeple! DooOoOOOooOOoOOOOMMMMM!11!!eleven
Science And Technology The Verge 16 Aug 2017 2,956
Surprise discovery in the search for energy efficient information storage
Oh, of course, it was the chirality of the vortex domain wall all along! How silly of me not to realize it.
Science And Technology Science Daily 16 Aug 2017 3,866
Industry News The Verge 15 Aug 2017 5,056
Update gone wrong leaves 500 smart locks inoperable
It's a lock. It's locked. Where's the problem?
Industry News Ars Technica 15 Aug 2017 4,068
Announcing .NET Core 2.0
Wasn't that last week? Oh, no that was Standard. Does that mean next week is the release of .NET Menthol 2.0?
Developer News .NET blog 15 Aug 2017 7,388
7 Features of C++17 that will simplify your code
Is one of them, "install C# or Java"?
Developer News 15 Aug 2017 3,489
The new skills gap? Internet of Things
Time to learn things, people!
Developer News ADT Mag 15 Aug 2017 3,211
This week's survey
copy con newversion.exe
Hot Threads CodeProject 15 Aug 2017 1,156
How We Solve CSS Versioning Conflicts Here at New Relic
There is no perfect solution for CSS versioning issues—basically, double-class collisions in CSS—and the industry approaches vary widely, from a single, global CSS that prevents double inclusions to approaches that involve writing all CSS in JavaScript. Each approach has benefits and drawbacks, but we wanted to share how we solve the problem in hopes that our solutions can inform your own efforts to deal with CSS conflicts.
Tips and Tools New Relic 15 Aug 2017 181
Passing data between Promise callbacks
In Promise-based code, there are usually many callbacks, each one having a separate scope for variables. What if you want to share data between those callbacks?
Tips and Tools 2ality 15 Aug 2017 328
Announcing ASP.NET Core 2.0
This release features compatibility with .NET Core 2.0, tooling support in Visual Studio 2017 version 15.3, and the new Razor Pages user-interface design paradigm.
Tips and Tools .NET Web developer blog 15 Aug 2017 1,131
CSS Inheritance: An Introduction
It’s common to see inheritance in action in real life. Unless some other factor comes into play, it’s often the case that tall parents have tall children, and so on. We can see something similar in CSS.
Tips and Tools Sitepoint 15 Aug 2017 225
The Difference Between Explicit and Implicit Grids
Grid Layout finally gives us the ability to define grids in CSS and place items into grid cells. This on its own is great, but the fact that we don't have to specify each track and we don't have to place every item manually makes the new module even better.
Tips and Tools CSS Tricks 15 Aug 2017 205
10 guidelines to improve your web accessibility
As people who make a living by making websites, it’s our responsibility to ensure everyone has access to them. Web accessibility seems like a tall order on paper, but it’s definitely much easier than it sounds.
Tips and Tools Aerolab 15 Aug 2017 276
The Languages Which Almost Became CSS
When Tim Berners-Lee announced HTML in 1991 there was no method of styling pages. How a given HTML tag was rendered was determined by the browser, often with significant input from the user’s preferences. To many, it seemed like a good idea to create a standard way for pages to ‘suggest’ how they might prefer to be rendered stylistically.
Tips and Tools Cloudflare 15 Aug 2017 248
Satire Geek & Poke 15 Aug 2017 2,203
Science And Technology The Institute 15 Aug 2017 2,727
The space station gets a new supercomputer
Now they can figure out where they're going?
Science And Technology enterprise.nxt 15 Aug 2017 3,018
Industry News The Verge 14 Aug 2017 3,617
Industry News Gizmodo AU 14 Aug 2017 7,248
Industry News Ars Technica 14 Aug 2017 5,219
Developer News Motherboard 14 Aug 2017 5,215
Dev-Oops: Why DevOps efforts fail
I'm going to guess 'dev'. No wait, 'ops'!
Developer News SD Times 14 Aug 2017 2,387
.NET and WebAssembly - Is this the future of the front-end?
Until enough people invest time into it, then "the future" will change to something else
Developer News Scott Hanselman 14 Aug 2017 8,188

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